Sunday, November 7, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

Colon Cleansers are used to remove environmental and dietary toxins from the body. Detoxification is the removal of potentially toxic substances from the body. Most people in general have an unhealthy digestive system.  Read on to learn more about the symptoms and causes of a poor digestive system and the solution for a healthy colon.


Symptoms of an unhealthy digestive system:


  • Stomach bloating
  • Poor digestion
  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain
  • Premature aging
  • Excessive mucus
  • Poor complexion
  • Poor concentration skills
  • Depression
  • Body odor


The problem with the body storing waste:

  •  Statistics prove that over 90% of diseases and sickness result from an unhealthy digestive system.
  • Wastes are stored into our bodies, by poor eating habits and environmental pollution,
  • The buildup of waste in the body that are caused by toxins, bacteria and parasites result  in sickness and poor overall health.
  • Everyone is prone to developing serious problems in the intestinal tract.  Over time this may contribute to the development of various chronic, acute, and degenerative diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart conditions.
  • It is essential for our body to function optimally and rid our system of these toxins as they are harmful and attack our immune system.   
  • Up to 25 pounds of waste may be stored in the colon. When the digestive system is backed up with waste and not working properly, it makes it extremely difficult to lose weight because your body is not breaking down and excreting the foods that you eat.



How does one eliminate this excess waste and detox your body:

Internal cleansing, also known as detoxification, is an essential element in maintaining digestive health. There are numerous well-known detox and colon cleansing programs being marketed to help you cleanse your body of unwanted toxins, colon build-up and parasites.


Co-Clean is the ultimate detoxifier for intestinal cleansing to maintain digestive health which can improve quality of life. This product initiates the cleansing process with a potent combination of powerful cleansing roots and extracts. These tablets will pave the way for you to detoxify your system and you should begin to feel the positive effects just a few days into the program.


One reason why people should use a natural colon cleanse product is because of all the bad chemicals they have taken into their body. It is important that when you review the best colon cleansing products on the market, that you consider using one with natural ingredients. Natural cleansing supplements are safe and effective to detox and cleanse your system.



Top 10 Diet Tricks

Saturday, November 6, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

Everyone would love to shrink a size or two in time for summer skin baring fashion.  Losing those accumulated pounds is frustrating and at times overwhelming.  Hang in there though because there are simple little tricks that can help you through the dieting process.  Read on for easy diet tricks:


  1. Ice Cubes.  Feel the need to put something in your mouth even though you really should not be “hungry” per se.  Suck on an ice cube.  It is refreshing and calorie free.  You can even add a drop of flavored water to the mix when preparing your ice cubes.


  1. Spice it Up.  Add some hot peppers to your recipes. Spicy foods heat up the body, so in order to cool down,  your body requires calories, meaning an increase in your metabolism. When your body speeds up its metabolism it then causes you to burn more calories and lose weight.  The only thing you changed was adding some tasty spices to the mix…so easy!!



  1. Eat Half.  Whatever size plate you normally prepare for your self at each meal, cut a line down the center and eat only half.  This way you learn portion control.  You are still eating the foods you like, however, simply eating less of them.


  1. Smaller Plate.  Another take on the Eat Half rule is the smaller plate trick.  Instead of filling up your dinner plate with food, take a salad size plate instead.  This way when you fill your plate it is less than filling the larger portion plate.  You are still utilizing portion control and will consume fewer calories.



  1. Drink Water.  There is a reason you have been seeing drink 8 cups of water a day for years and years.  When you drink a cup of water or two before each meal it does fill you up.  In fact drink this water about 10 minutes before you are ready to actually eat.  This way your brain has a chance to receive the signal that it is feeling full. Friends, this is as simple as it gets!


  1. Eat every 4 hours.  Grazing has been proven to keep dieters on track.  If you eat frequent small meals throughout out the day you feel like you are ALWAYS eating, however, make sure the meals are small and healthy so you are watching calories and fat as well.  For example: Replace skipping meals with frequent small meals and snacks every 4 hours. Have pineapple and lemon water for breakfast, soup for lunch, snack of egg whites, and chicken and salad (lightly dressed or not dressing at all) for dinner.



  1. Keep it Natural.  Try replacing the Snickers and Hershey bars with natural fruit and vegetables. The more natural your diet the more likely you will lose weight.  We all have too many processed foods and chemicals in our diet.  The natural lo-cal and fiber rich fruits and veggies will do wonders for your digestive health as well.


  1. No More Diet Soda.  Speaking of chemicals.  There is no nutritional value at all in diet sodas.  They will not help you to lose weight and they are harmful to your health overall.  Try brewing some green tea, add some natural honey to sweeten and pour over some ice.  Healthy, tasty and natural PLUS, besides being a good source for anti-oxidants, it actually will rev up your metabolism too.



  1. Add an Activity. Add just 30 minutes of exercise to your day.  Everyone can find one half hour.  If necessary break it up into 15 minutes in the morning and another 15 minutes in the evening. Make sure whatever you do that you get your heart rate up (make the activity strenuous enough that you are slightly out of breath).  It can be as simple as fast walking and swinging/pumping your arms. It is beautiful this time of year.  Go outside and get some fresh air. Walk 15 minutes in one direction and then return home for the second. You can alternate days of cardio and weight lifting as you progress.


  1. Treat Yourself. Never allow yourself to feel deprived.  This way you won’t “fall off the wagon” completely.  If you are really craving chocolate…have a couple of bites and then stop.  The key is learning how to limit yourself.



Bonus: If after all the diet tricks and tips you are still having a tough time, its time to bring in reinforcements.  Use an all natural diet supplement like Metabo-Speed. Metabo-Speed‘s unique proprietary results are laboratory designed to reduce weight by accelerating metabolism while reducing hunger and the food cravings that come with over-eating. Increasing metabolic rate burns additional calories even while eating the same foods. More weight loss less food cravings and hunger is a formula for success.





Friday, November 5, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

Need to shed a pound or two?  You are probably doing all the usual dieting basics.  Watching what you eat, trying to reduce calories, and adding some exercise to the mix. Despite all the things that you are doing it’s still VERY hard to lose weight.

What you need to ADD to the mix is a boost to your metabolism.  After asking around I discovered there are quite a few things in my diet already that are actually good for boosting the metabolism.

Some of them are:


1.     Green Tea. Not only a good source for anti-oxidants, however, it actually boosts your metabolism too. Try some brewed iced green tea.  It is not only a healthier alternative to soda, Snapple and other chemically laden beverages; it will also rev up your metabolism.


2.     Spicy Foods. Just add some hot read peppers over your pasta or to your egg white omelet and you may boost your metabolism as much as 8%. Spicy foods heat up the body, therefore, to cool down your body requires calories, meaning an increase in your metabolism. Here is why: Capsaicin (a chemical found in jalapeno and cayenne peppers) temporarily stimulates your body to release more stress hormones, which speeds up your metabolism and causes you to burn more calories.



3.     Cold Water. Not only does filling up with 8+ glasses of water a day curb your appetite and help flush away toxins and waste, however, it will also increase your metabolic rate. Studies have suggested that five or six ice cold glasses of water could help you burn about 10 extra calories a day.


4.     Fiber Rich Food.  Add oatmeal to your diet.  Its rich in fiber, low in cholesterol. Just make sure to choose steel cut or rolled oats, sorry no instant oatmeal – you won’t get the full benefit of vitamins, minerals and fiber.



5.     Soup. Soup is a wonderful appetite suppressant because it’s made up of a mostly of liquids. Be sensible and use a water based broth with lots of vegetables and lean protein like chicken or turkey. You will eat less and burn fat faster by filling up first with a bowl of soup.


6.     Grapefruit.  No wonder some diets consist of grapefruit as the main course.  The unique chemical properties in this vitamin C packed fruit reduce insulin levels, which burn fat and promote weight loss.



7.     Add Fruit. Fruit eaters eat fewer calories overall. Great at satisfying those sugar cravings.  Fruit like apples and pears are generally low in calories but high in fiber making you feel full longer so you eat less.


8.     Broccoli.  This nutritious vegetable is part of the cabbage family and has plenty of vitamin A, folate, and fiber. Broccoli not only fights fat but also contains powerful phytochemicals that boost your immunity and protect against disease.



9.     Yogurt. It includes calcium, protein and many other nutrients plus good bacteria for your digestive tract.


10.                        Lean Protein. Turkey and Chicken – protein can help boost metabolism, lose fat and build lean muscle tissue so you burn more calories.


Lastly, consider all natural herbal metabolism boosters as a supplement to all the above! Use an all natural diet supplement like Metabo-Speed. The unique formula is laboratory designed to reduce weight by boosting the  metabolism. Metabo-Speed increase metabolism naturally while reducing food cravings. More pounds shed with less hunger is a formula for success.




Wednesday, November 3, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

Can those love handles around your middle be the root in your impotence? Are you eating the right foods and doing the correct exercises to prevent erectile dysfunction (ED)? According to The Harvard Health Professionals Follow-up Study, men who exercise 3-5 hours a week have 30% less risk of having erectile dysfunction. The study showed that regular exercise can mean 10 more years free of erectile dysfunction for the average man.


Nearing epidemic proportions, obesity afflicts one-third of all US adults. Men who are otherwise healthy but are obese or overweight are more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction. However, researchers have found that losing weight through diet and exercise will help to restore proper erectile function.


The reason overweight increases a man’s risk of ED according to the AUA or The American Urological Association is because obesity and being overweight increases the chance of vascular disease, a primary cause of erectile dysfunction. Other theories of weight and ED are:


One theory is that the disturbance of hormonal balance that happens due to obesity may cause insufficient androgens and testosterone, to enable or sustain an erection.  An additional theory is that obesity may damage the cells lining the blood vessels, known as endothelials. These damaged cells then contribute to the development of erectile dysfunction.


Not only is losing weight an overall benefit to your health, however, improving your sexual health can be a positive outcome as well. Even with exercising a guy should be improving his overall diet. Many studies show that a vegetarian regimen, accompanied by moderate exercise, can be the cure so many men are desperately seeking.


 Make positive changes like:


  • Exercising – even taking 30 minute brisk walks 3+ times a week
  • Eating less – cut portions down by one-third to one-half less than your ususal amount
  • Eat right – add more fresh foods, lots of vegetables and fruit along with low fat dairy and lean protein like fish, chicken and turkey.
  • Use a natural male sexual enhancer supplement like Irexis to helps promote penile blood flow, sperm/testosterone production while providing stimulation and maintenance of bigger and firmer erections



Besides inactivity, other risk factors that men can change include obesity and smoking. Men can greatly reduce their risk of erectile dysfunction and impotence by regular cardiovascular exercise, losing weight, and not smoking.


Despite your best diet and exercise efforts some men may require some assistance in treating ED before their new improved diet and lifestyle kicks in.  Treating ED with a natural remedy is the best course of action. 


 Irexis is an all natural herbal male sexual enhancer and supplement containing a proprietary blend of potent ingredients known to promote both sexual desire and function. These ingredients have been shown to increase libido, improve sexual performance, and increase both stamina and pleasure during sexual activity.




Wednesday, November 3, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

Both men and women produce both gender hormones with women it is primarily estrogen and in men primarily testosterone. Health practitioners have noticed more and more men at younger ages are suffering from an imbalance of hormones. This is not a good thing for men since over production of estrogen can lead to a n increased risk of blood clots,  middle-aged spread, gynecomastia or male breasts. It is not uncommon that men as they age begin to produce more estrogen and less testosterone. So why are younger men showing these signs as well?



Seemingly more estrogen being is being found in our everyday environment. Estrogen analogs are manufactured in plastics, processed foods and even drinking water. Estrogen in found in tap water is a caused by urine in women taking birth control pills and the flushing of out-of-date birth control pills down the toilet. Furthermore, many chemicals and pesticides produced today add to the problem. All this extra estrogen can also lead to loss of libido and sexual impotence.



Most men would benefit from a male sexual enhancer supplement to boost libido.  One highly rated male sex enhancer pill is Irexis. Irexis is a combination of Yohimbe Extract, Muira Puama, Oyster Meat Extract, Maca and a proprietary blend. This proprietary blend helps promote penile blood flow, sperm/testosterone production while providing stimulation and maintenance of bigger, firmer erections.



Men who have taken Irexis say they have experienced better drive and increased stamina in bed. It proprietary blend of natural ingredients boosts libido, desire, confidence and pleasure. Even before Viagra came along their have been natural sex remedies for centuries. Yohimbe Extract, Muira Puama, Oyster Meat Extract, Maca, and L-arginine and Ginseng are some of key the ingredients well known in products for men take natural male sex enhancer supplements. Irexis is the number one rated male sexual enhancer supplement available today.










Wednesday, November 3, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

Suddenly it happens, your libido has flat-lined, your sex drive is gone?  What happened to cause it?  How do you get it back? Before you can increase your libido, you need to know how it works. There are numerous factors that affect your libido including:


  1. Your weight. Weight loss and gain affect hormone levels, which in turn will influence your sex drive.
  2. Psychological issues. Your moods and state of being all impact your sexual health. Depression, fatigue, trauma, anxiety and especially body image all have bearing on your libido.
  3. Drug usage. Prescription drugs and various medications have side effects that can alter a person’s sex drive.



Some things that may help revive your libido are:


  • Lose the excess weight
  • Hormone replacement therapy or testosterone replacement
  • Ask your medical doctor for a change in medication
  • A natural male sex enhancer supplement


Help is on the way with Irexis. An all natural male sex enhancer pill formulated with natural time proven ingredients that will help you overcome some of the factors that may be draining your libido. Irexis is a natural male sexual enhancer supplement without the harmful side effects of prescription medications such as Viagra, Levitra and Cialis. The ingredients in Irexis are time proven and have been shown to increase sexual desire, improve performance, and increase both stamina and pleasure during sexual activity. Experience bigger, firmer erections with this all natural remedy.

Control impotence and libido rather than letting it control you. Many men elect to a chose natural remedy and avoid costly doctor visits and expensive prescription medication – talk about stress factors!  There are many natural ingredients that help bring back “the sexy factor” into the bedroom. Take a natural male sex supplement to boost libido, desire and performance all at once.  Time proven aphrodisiacs have been around for centuries – simply because they work! Try male sex enhancer supplement Irexis and see results for yourself.


Irexis - the best rated male sexual enhancer available today.







Wednesday, November 3, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

Men…if you want to improve your sex life there are some basic tips you can share with your significant other that will enhance your sex life for both of you.  Each of these tips work in both directions so both of you feel free to jump in and try them out.


Tip 1:  Give instructions = Communicate

Often we don’t communicate our needs and desires to our partner and expect them to read our minds and “just” know what we desire. After a while sex may become routine and boring. Talk about things you haven’t tried, but would like to.



Tip 2: Massage = Touch

Don’t rush through the process.  A sensual massage will not only relax your partner but heat things up as well.  Mastering the process of touch should be high up on your list of skills. 



Tip 3: Share your fantasies = More communication

We all have “dirty” thoughts we keep to ourselves because we are too shy or embarrassed to share them.  This is a big mistake.  Opening up to your partner will keep things sexy and who knows where it may lead for both of you!  Open up, keep it sexy and share!



Tip 4: Try something new = Experiment

            New Place:

There are millions of different places to have sex other than your home, or your bed – discuss them, try them, use them.  

            New position:

Again there is no limit to the number of ways to have sex, so you can use your imagination and together you can both discuss many wonderful new ways to try making love.


Tip 5: Use a product = Enhance

There are many wonderful all natural male sexual enhancer supplements on the market to try for both men and women to rev up the libido.

For men:  Try Irexis a combination of Yohimbe Extract, Muira Puama, Oyster Meat Extract, Maca and a proprietary to promote penile blood flow, sperm/testosterone production while providing stimulation and maintenance of erections. Bigger, firmer erections will become the new norm.

For Women: Try Labidorol.  This product helps promote her sexual desire, enhance orgasms and enhance natural lubrication for women.

Natural sexual enhancer supplements by Lab88 are 100% guaranteed and 100% natural without side effects.  Boost libido, enhance desire, and enjoy a more rewarding sex life from day one.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

If you could eat some foods that would help increase your libido you would try to eat some or all of them wouldn’t you??? Why not. It couldn’t hurt to have a boost in the bedroom and maybe they are good, delicious and healthy for you anyway! Here are 10 Foods that may jumpstart your Libido:


  1. Celery - contain androsterone, an odorless hormone released through male perspiration and a female turn on!
  2. Raw Oysters - contain dopamine, a hormone known to increase libido.
  3. Bananas - the bromelain enzyme, which is believed to increase libido and reverse impotence. Also has potassium and Virtamin B which increases energy.
  4. Avocado - The Aztecs called the avocado ahuacatl or "testicle tree." With folic acid for high energy and Vitamin B6 and potassium - both have shown to help increase libido in both men and women.
  5. Almonds and Nuts – contain fatty acids which healthy are a source of production of hormones in men.
  6. Eggs – contain Vitamins B5 and B6 which help to balance hormone levels as well as combat stress, both of which are needed for a healthy libido. Eggs are also the symbol fertility and rebirth.
  7. Liver – provides a source of glutamine fueling the immune system. It has also shown to increase a sluggish libido.
  8. Figs - high in amino acids, which are believed to increase libido.
  9. Garlic - contains allicin, which increases blood flow to the sexual organs.
  10. Chocolate – containsan alkaloid called theobromine which like caffeine is believed to produce a chemical that induces the feeling of Love.


Whatever the reason for diminished libido, improving your diet and eating healthier foods can help to increase one’s libido level. It surely won't do you any harm to become more fit and healthy. This is valid for libido in both men and women.


For both men and women libido basically is dependent on one hormone – testosterone. The production of testosterone is affected by both zinc and vitamin B,  so it makes sense to add foods rich in those minerals to our diet.  Naturally foods other than the 10 listed above may also be rich in zinc and Vitamin B so do your research and have fun adding these healthy foods into your food plan.


Yohimbe, L argentine and Ginseng which are great male libido boosters are best used in a supplement form. Natural male enhancement pills contain natural herbs and roots that have also been time proven libido boosters.  Using a male sex pill will enhance your libido and pleasure.  Try the highly rated Irexis supplement.




The Ingredients for Sexual Success

Tuesday, November 2, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

Testosterone is the leading sex hormone in the male body. As you get older, the amount of testosterone decreases, and you will find that there is a loss in sexual libido and desire and a decline in vitality. But don’t get discouraged just yet because luckily there are natural herbal supplements for male sexual enhancement, like Irexis, that are readily and easily available. It will return that youthful sexual energy and performance you once experienced. Not only will Irexis ensure bigger, firmer erections, but also an increased sex drive and longer lasting staying power in bed.


Some of the chief ingredients are:


Zinc- Zinc is not only an aid in tissue repair, but is also the regulating force behind testosterone. Testosterone controls healthy sexual functions, and if low enough, it’s possible to experience erectile dysfunction. Zinc will further the production of testosterone, and consequently improve sexual function. Eating foods high in zinc, such as oysters and shellfish, will also increase potency. Turkey, lamb, beans, and nuts are just some other foods rich of the mineral.


Yohimbe Extract- Although it is native to Africa, Yohimbe is used worldwide as an aphrodisiac. It treats impotence by increasing blood flow to the penis to allow for stronger and easily achieved erections. Therefore, the ultimate purpose of Yohimbe in the product is to basically raise the frequency and duration of erections.


Maca Root- Maca Root is known for its sex enhancing abilities. It increases stamina, while it restores sexual enjoyment and performance at the same time. It also benefits the endocrine system, which is responsible for the production of testosterone.


L-Arginine HCl- L-Arginine HCL is a free-form amino acid that is utilized to improve erections. It relaxes blood vessels and improves blood circulation. As a result, blood easily rushes to the penis to give a hard erection.


Oat Straw- The purpose of Oat Straw in Irexis is to renew and strengthen vitality and make sensations more pleasurable. It’s been discovered that Oat Straw is advantageous to the nervous system, especially during sexual stimulation. Other benefits are: improvement of memory, coordination, balance, and sensitivity to pleasant stimuli.


So consider trying Irexis, a natural male sexual enhancer supplement. Irexis redefines male enhancement with the most effective formula available without a prescription. Irexis is 100% safe and free from side effects. The Irexis formula is useful for achieving harder and long-lasting erections. Using Irexis will help you improve and restore your sexual stamina and performance. In addition, the ingredients in Irexis help increase sexual arousal and penis size.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

About 5.3 million Americans, or 9 percent of the reproductive age population, according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.  Of these cases, about  40% the infertility lies with the males. There are many reasons for male infertility.  One of which is having a Varicole. This is an enlargement of the veins of the spermatic cord that may be the basis for infertility by significantly decreasing the quality and quantity of sperm production. Not only that, but having the feeling of "failing" in the fertility department can be a real libido buster.  Lets examine some possible causes for infertility and ways to boost your odds on conceiving plus give your sexiness a boost in the libido department as well.




What are some other causes for a decrease in sperm production, which can factor into infertility:


  • Stress
  • Illness
  • Surplus of Caffeine
  • Vitamin Deficiency
  • Too much alcohol consumption
  • Extreme Heat to the testicles
  • Some Prescription Drugs
  • Some OTC medications
  • Testicular Injury
  • Obstruction in the Vas Deferens




Taking some of these easy precautions may in of itself improve male fertility:


1. Limit caffeine or even eliminate it.
2. Quit smoking
3. Stop recreational or unnecessary drugs and medications
4. Wear loose underwear (boxers) and clothing
5. Stay out of hot tubs and saunas  – due to the heat
6. Quit drinking alcohol



Natural treatments are widely recommended for male infertility, although as with all vitamins there are limited research studies available.  However some time proven ingredients have been shown to boost libido and improve sperm production.  For example:



Studies indicate that this amino acid may improve sperm motility.



This essential mineral is important in prostate gland function and the growth of the reproductive organs. It also helps sperm motility.


Pumpkin seed:

Commonly used to strengthen the prostate gland and promote male hormone function. Myosin, is an amino acid found in pumpkin seeds and is known to be essential for muscular contractions.


Irexis is a natural male sex enhancement supplement with fewer side effects of prescription medications.  Irexis natural male supplement contains the time proven ingredients above and more. It is also the only treatment that can be taken even after alcohol consumption. Male sexual enhancement pills are formulated to not only boost libido and get your mood sexy again, however, they also help to acheive bigger, firmer erections and aid in sperm production. Treat yourself to Irexis the natural libido treatment.


Monday, November 1, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

It doesn’t matter what time of year it is …bikini season or not no one wants to have a bloated belly popping out through their clothes and making you look fatter. How to reduce belly bloat and start flattening your stomach instantly? You need to reduce water retention, and relieve gas that can bloat your belly. Some foods are more likely to cause bloat than others, so here are the top 10 foods to avoid:

1. Salt
In general water is attracted to sodium, so when you consume high amounts there is not doubt you will retain more fluid —which will play a part in having a sluggish feeling, a puffy appearance, and increasing water weight.

2. Surplus carbs
Carbohydrates will store up in your body as stockpiled fuel, so unless you are about to do a triathalon you don’t need it. Reducing your carbohydrate intake will train your body to retrieve this stored up fuel and burn it off. Simultaneously, you'll deplete the excess fluid that has been stored up, in other words causing bloat.

3. Bulky raw foods
While raw foods are recommended to remove waste and are a healthy eating option, they do take up more room in your digestive track and thus extra volume, hence bloat. Try eating your veggies lightly cooked plus smaller portions of unsweetened dried fruit, or even fruits canned in their natural juice. This way you will meet your nutritional requirements without expanding your intestinal tract with extra volume.

4. Gaseous foods
Simply stated certain foods simply create more gas for example: legumes, cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, onions, peppers, and citrus fruits. Eliminate or reduce consumption of these foods and voila less bloat.

5. Fake Sugar
All the sugar substitutes, usually ending with an –ol - like sorbitol, xylitol or maltitol, and lactitol are often found in diet products like cookies, candy, and energy bars because they taste sweet. However, just like fiber, your digestive tract can not absorb the majority of them. So while these products are great for calorie counting they aren’t so good for belly bloat. Sugar alcohols are known to cause gas, abdominal swelling, bloating, and diarrhea therefore its best to avoid them.

6. Fried foods
Fried and fatty foods are absorbed more slowly, causing you to feel bloated. Stick to healthy fats found in oils (such as olive oil), olives, nuts and seeds, avocado, and dark chocolate.

7. Hot and spicy foods
Spicier foods have been shown to stimulate the release of stomach acid, which can cause irritation. Limit use of black pepper, nutmeg, cloves, chili powder, hot sauces, onions, garlic, mustard, barbecue sauce, horseradish, catsup, tomato sauce, and vinegar.

8. Carbonated beverages
Drinks with bubbles cause bloat! Stick to water and green tea.

9. Acidic drinks
You probably wouldn’t realize it but these drinks are high-acid and can irritate your GI tract, causing swelling. Avoid alcohol, coffee, tea, hot cocoa, and acidic fruit juices.

10. Gum
Did you know that when you chew gum, you also swallow air. That air gets trapped in your digestive tract and causes bloating. Need to keep your mouth bust try a sugar-free sucking candy or better yet…drink water.


If you still are suffering from a bloated belly consider using a colon cleanser product.  It is not uncommon for a person to retain up to 25 pounds of waste matter in your digestive tract.  A colon cleanser will eliminate this toxic build up and help you to have flatter abs. Try the number rated on Using a colon cleanser like Co-Clean will help in attaining flatter abs by improving bowel function and weight loss as the backed up toxins in your digestive system are purged. Detox and diet your way to a flat belly.




Monday, November 1, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

We have all heard much excitement about the benefits of colon cleansing.  There are numerous methods and products to help along with the process. A simple body-detox diet plan will help you to detoxify your system and lose weight in just days.  Below is a sample day in the detox-diet.

Wake Up / Pre-Breakfast

·                        Cup one: warm water with a 1/2 lemon squeezed into it

·                        Cup two: water with 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds


·                        Make a smoothie with pear, rice milk and rice protein powder

·                        Take a supplement of vitamin C


·                        Cup of apple juice watered down with water

·                        Cup of vegetable broth

·                        Plate of celery sticks and hummus


·                        Prepare a chunky vegetable soup prepared with vegetable stock and your selection of vegetables

·                        Steamed broccoli with sesame seeds and beets sprinkled with lemon juice over brown rice

·                        Portion of apple sauce

·                        Take a supplement: multivitamin


·                        Plate of Carrot sticks with hummus dip

·                        Water

·                        Take a supplement: milk thistle


·                        Portion of curried lentils on quinoa

·                        Salad with mixed greens, red peppers, artichokes and sprouts lightly dressed with prepared salad dressing of  garlic, lemon juice and olive oil

·                        Cup of vegetable broth


·                        Cup of water with 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds


To supplement your body detox diet try using an all natural colon-cleanse supplement like Co-Clean.  These tablets will pave the way for you to detoxify your system and you should begin to feel the positive effects just after a few days. Cleansing your system of toxins, flushing waste from your bosy and losing those extra pounds are just a few of the benefits.

Co-Clean is a safe effective natural supplement formulated to diet and detox your body. Colon cleansing and weight loss is a winning formula, Co-Clean is the best rated body detoxifier on the market.



Sunday, October 31, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

 Feeling a little weak in the sexiness department?  How does a person gain sex appeal? For every person on the planet there is a soul mate waiting to be found.  Not all women are attracted to the same type of guy, so what is sexy for one may be a turn off for another – meaning it would be hard for a person not to have ANY sex appeal at all … to someone!



That being said there are some tips for you to examine your sexy-factor and make improvements.


1.      Take pictures and or video’s of yourself to see yourself as others do.  Really look at them objectively and with an honest curiosity. Would you be attracted to this person?  Why or why not?  Now look at pictures of people you are attracted to and admire. Pick out some of the same qualities in yourself and play them up.

2.      Time for a makeover.  Treat yourself to some new clothes, a haircut, and or spa treatments to make you feel like you look your absolute best.  Stand proud and take pride in your appearance.  Feeling good about yourself first is a big factor in being appealing to others.

3.      Have confidence in yourself.  Make a list of your accomplishments and things you are most proud of in yourself.  Hang the list on your fridge, your bathroom mirror and remind yourself you are an awesome person. Sex appeal is all about attitude and aura and making the best of what you've got.

4.      Just remember as well that while looks count it's your personality which makes people stick around. Smile, laugh and be a happy person. No one wants to hand out with a hound-dog.  A smile is truly your best accessory. Remember to speak in a positive upbeat manner.  Ask questions about the other person, don’t hog the conversation with your own life stories.

5.      Make eye contact. When you are talking to a date, you want them to know you are interested in them.  You want them interacting with you as well. If you don’t even look each other in the eye … the date is a bust. Practice in the mirror and get your “sexy” look down pat.

6.      Pay your date a compliment.  Don’t go overboard only compliment people once on that particular attribute. When we are given a compliment like when someone tells us we're pretty, funny, smart - whatever - it has the optimum effect the first time it's said. Yet, if you keep blabbing on about it you not only weaken the compliment, you will have the opposite effect to the one intended.

7.      Give feedback to your date.  They aren’t mind readers you know.  If you like someone make sure you have communicated that fact.

8.      Relax about your body. If you have poor body image, take baby steps to boost your positive image of yourself.  Remember none of us are perfect.  My mother always says “Angels are in heaven”. Eating right and exercising are always good body choices to make.  If you look good you feel good and the reverse is true too.  Take vitamins, they will keep you healthy and feeling good as well.  Lastly, get rid of unrealistic images that contribute to a poor body image of yourself.

9.      Watch something hot. Ignite certain desires through the stimulation and imagination.  Think sexy – be sexy!

10. Take natural sex supplements to boost libido.  Time proven aphrodisiacs have been around for centuries – because they work! Try male sex supplement Irexis and see results.

A natural male sexual enhancement pill will not only boost your libido but help you to acheive biiger, firmer erections. Why take prescription medications when all natural alternatives are available.  Irexis is the best rated natural libido booster available.








Top 10 Metabolism Boosters

Sunday, October 31, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

I don’t know about you but I feel a real urgency to get bikini ready. It doesn’t have to be summer-time to get your body in shape. So if you have been procrastinating like me you want to shape up fast.


I have compiled a Skinny Cheat Sheet to slim down fast.  Based on my initial research the quickest way to slim down is to literally rev up your metabolism.


There are natural ways to boost your metabolism.  Namely:


  1. Begin eating breakfast. Give your body some healthy nutrition soon after waking will get the metabolism working.


  1. Eat smaller meals more frequently – 5 to 6 small meals per day totalling 1200-1500 calories. When your body goes long hours without any food, your metabolism slows down.



  1. Drink lots of water. Different studies have suggested that five or six ice cold glasses of water could help you burn about 10 extra calories a day.


  1. Increase your aerobic exercise to raise your heart rate. If you burn more calories than you consume you will lose weight.



  1. Add weight training to your routine.  Muscle burns more calories than fat.


  1. Eat spicier foods.  Spicy foods heat up the body, therefore, to cool down your body requires calories, meaning an increase in your metabolism.



  1. Drink Green tea. Tea revs up your natural calorie burn.


  1. No alcohol.



  1. Cut back on sugar. When you eat sugar you throw your metabolism into fat storage mode, plus they have no nutritional value.


  1.  Add metabolism boosting foods to your diet. Including:
    • Whole grain foods
    • Citrus fruits such as grapefruit
    • Foods high in fiber
    • Lean Protein - requires more effort to digest than carbs or fat. 
    • Low fat or non dairy products




Of course for those of you that need an extra push to jump start your metabolism you can use a metabolism boosting pill. ranks Metabo-Speed as the number one metabolism boosting product. It is a unique diet pill that is clinically designed to reduce weight by boosting the metabolism, while at the same time reducing hunger. I tried it myself and I am on my way to being bikini ready!




Saturday, October 30, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

Do you feel like you have been overeating too often lately? Are your favorite pair of jeans not closing? Are you hungry all the time or do you eat because you are:

·         Bored

·         Stressed

·         Depressed

·         Lonely

Do you feel embarrassed and ashamed that you are putting on weight?  How do you trick your brain into feeling full so that you do not overeat? Is it even possible without medication?  Can you loose weight with natural ingredients?

I have done a lot of research and found that there is a natural product that is clinically proven to… suppress the appetite, trick your brain into feeling full, reduce your calorie intake.

100% Pure Hoodia Gordonii is the ingredient that will suppress your appetite for an extended duration. The appetite suppressant qualities inherent in Hoodia Gordonii have been clinically proven to enable you to control your hunger and easily manage your eating habits. These characteristics have been shown to produce significant weight loss results in a short period of time.

The San Bushmen of the Kalahari, one of the world’s oldest and most primitive tribes, has been eating Hoodia for thousands of years to stave off hunger during nomadic hunting trips. Hoodia sends signals to the brain that make the brain believe that the body is full, even when it is not. These signals are believed to be thousands of times stronger than the signals that sugar sends to the brain for the same reason.

Hoodia Gordonii has been seen all over television as major news channels have caught on to this fantastic appetite suppressant. Some have even sent news anchors to South Africa for a first hand look. Hoodia Gordonii only grows in the wild in South Africa and due to its extraordinary effects on weight loss; it has become a prized commodity here in the United States and around the world with so many people looking to lose weight. The high price of authentic Hoodia Gordonii combined with limited distribution has made Hoodia products very expensive.

If you could wish for a dream diet product containing Hoodia Gordonii, Acai berry (rich in fiber and antioxidants) Chromium Polynicotinate (promote weight loss and increase metabolism), yet without the caffeine jitters so many diet pills have, this diet supplement would be called Curb ‘N Burn. Formulated with a powerful mix of natural herbs and minerals it is designed to help you lose weight safely and quickly - the most effective natural weight loss pill on the market.

Curb ‘N Burn is a 100% caffeine free weight loss pill. Benefit from jitter free dieting with Hoodia and Acai berry to reduce appetite and burn fat. Designed for people who are sensitive to caffeine or prone to “before bed” eating.


Friday, October 29, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

Most people think “detox” is for alcohol or substance abuse, however, the term also refers to diets and supplements designed to remove dietary and environmental toxins from the body.  Therefore, a “detox” diet is a short term diet that draws out and eliminates toxins from the body.  There are a few ways to achieve this goal:


  1. Consume a diet of primarily organic foods, thus avoiding the chemicals normally ingested in your “regular” diet.
  2. Eat foods high in fiber as well as drink beverages that will purge and eliminate the toxins through increased bowel movements and urination.
  3. Utilize supplements that will provide the vitamins, nutrients and anti-oxidants your body requires to eliminate the toxins.


More and more people are seeking detox diets to improve their bodily functions, for example:


  • Improve hormone imbalances
  • Enhance immune function
  • Correct nutritional deficiencies
  • Boost metabolism
  • Improve indigestion problems
  • Correct bad breath
  • Eliminate fatigue and boost energy
  • Increase number of bowel movements and reduce constipation
  • Enhance better skin clarity
  • Reduce muscle pain


What should you be doing to detox? Make these few additions to your diet:


  • Cut out caffeine and alcohol
  • Eat more fresh organic fruits and vegetables – go vegan if you can
  • Drink water and herbal green tea
  • Take a colon cleansing supplement up to 3 one month cycles per year


On highly rated natural colon cleansing supplement is Co-Clean. So simple, just take two tablets with 8-12 ounces of water before you go to bed for one month. After detoxing most individuals will experience a much improved sense of well being, vigor, better bowel performance, more energy, superior concentration, clearer sinuses, clearer skin and even weight loss as the backed up toxins are purged from the digestive system.




Dieting For The Working Mom

Thursday, October 28, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs


Dieting can be hard for everyone, especially the working mom. You probably find it hard to even start one, because it just something else on your long list of things to do. The combination of pressure from the office and the stress of taking care of the family and house can push the idea of creating a diet plan to the back of your mind. But once you start, you’ll find that you are able to incorporate it into your daily life routine. The hardest part is to start though, so here are a few tips:


-         Do It With a Friend

If you have a friend dieting with you, you can encourage each other to continue on, and even push it to a farther level than you could have done yourself. Not only will a friend keep you from cheating on your diet, but they will support you the whole way through and make the whole process more fun. Try to find a friend that has the same anxiety of being a working mom, so you can relate your tiring schedules. 


-         Find What You Love

Finding something that you love in your diet program will persuade you to stay on track. Whether it’s a particular healthy food, or a type of exercise you enjoy doing, you need to find what is you love about losing weight.


-         Start Slow

Everyone’s body works at different paces. Exercising is very important in dieting, but not everyone can start running 5 miles a day. So start slow, and try walking, or jogging, for 15-20 minutes each day. Eventually you should increase the intensity, so you will continue losing weight.


In addition, you should consider trying a dietary supplement, such as Metabo-Speed, to aid you in your new process. Diet pills take a very limited time out of your day. Also, Metabo-Sspeed will curb your appetite, while accelerating your metabolism, allowing you to lose weight even during your busiest times at the office or at home.



Wednesday, October 27, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

Feeling the love but your body is not cooperating with you?  Don’t feel ashamed or embarrassed, there are many reasons you may be experiencing temporary erectile dysfunction (ED).  Now to worry – there are natural products available that help promote penile blood flow, sperm/testosterone production while providing stimulation and maintenance of erections. Control impotence rather than let impotence control you.


Throughout history, many foods, drinks, and behaviors have had a reputation for making sex more attainable and/or pleasurable – these are called aphrodisiacs. An aphrodisiac is a food, drink, drug, scent, or device that, endorsers claim can arouse or increase sexual desire, or libido. A broader definition includes products that improve sexual performance. Named after Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of sexual love and beauty, the list of supposed sexual stimulants includes anchovies and adrenaline, licorice and lard, scallops and Spanish fly, and hundreds of other items. Many ancient peoples believed in the so-called "law of similarity," reasoning that an object resembling genitalia may possess sexual powers. Ginseng, rhinoceros horn, and oysters are three classical examples.

While there are options for ED that only a doctor can prescribe, there are natural alternatives to libido prescription drugs that should be considered. A doctor can diagnose a sexual problem and recommend treatment. If necessary, a doctor can prescribe a drug to treat sexual dysfunction. Testosterone replacement therapy is one prescription option for men whose natural testosterone level is not within the normal range, but its serious potential side effects call for a physician's supervision.


Many men elect to chose natural remedy and avoid costly doctor visits and expensive prescription medication – talk about stress factors!  There are many natural ingredients that help bring back “sexy” into the bedroom.


Yohimbe Extract - Yohimbe is the name of the bark of a tall evergreen tree in western Africa known as Pausinystalia yohimbe or Corynanthe yohimbe. Yohimbe bark has been used for centuries for sexual enhancement.


Muira Puama - is traditionally used as an aphrodisiac and a sexual tonic that promotes virility and treats impotence. Also known as potency wood, muira puama is derived from two species of small, shrubby trees in the olive family.


Oyster Meat Extract - has been long regarded as a powerful herbal aphrodisiac. The active ingredients, phosphorus, iodine and zinc, can do a lot of sexual good, especially zinc, which is increases both sperm and testosterone production.


Maca - Working in tandem with the body's natural rhythms, Maca root helps rebuild weak immune systems, re-mineralize poorly nourished bodies, and increase energy and endurance.


One product that combines all the above is Irexis., an all natural male sexual enhancer in supplement form,  containing a proprietary blend of potent ingredients known to promote both sexual desire and function. These ingredients have been shown to increase libido, improve sexual performance, and increase both stamina and pleasure during sexual activity. It is the first Male Sexual Enhancement product with a two-step process, for producing both immediate and long-term results. Immediately after your first dose, you will notice an increase in your sexual desire. Over time, you will experience an increase in both penis size and firmer erections, as well as additional sexual stamina. The natural treatment for impotence is Irexis.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs


Summer kicks off wedding season! When it comes down to losing weight, no one cares more about their appearance than the bride-to-be. Fitting into the dress and looking their best ever is a goal of most brides.  What to do to make your bridal-ready?

1. Drink lot of water. Drinking water will not only keep you feeling full, however, it also flushes out the toxins in your system and will improve the appearance of your skin.

2. Eat fresh foods. Adding lots of fresh farm produce – fruits and vegetables will add fiber to your diet, keep you full and satisfied and full of nutritious vitamins and minerals.

3. Limit alcohol. Not only is alcohol calorie rich, there is no nutritional value to them. Keep your beverage intake to water rich and lo-cal varieties.

4. Walk More. Not only great for reducing calories but a great stress reliever.  Park your car further away from your destination or climb the stairs before reaching for the elevator.

Your diet goal should be to lose 1-2 pounds per week prior to the wedding.  Do not try to lose too much weight too quickly. Boosting your metabolism is one way to help the weight loss process.


Try Metabo-Speed an all natural supplement. Formulated with time proven weight loss herbs Metabo-Speed will help you to burn fat more quickly, boost your metabolism, slim down and reduce appetite and control hunger. What better way to get in shape for the most important day of your life.  Curb cravings, burn fat, diminsh appetite and lose weight safe and effective - all with Metabo-Speed.






Summer kicks off wedding season! When it comes down to losing weight, no one cares more about their appearance than the bride-to-be. Fitting into the dress and looking their best ever is a goal of most brides.  What to do to make your bridal-ready?

1. Drink lot of water. Drinking water will not only keep you feeling full, however, it also flushes out the toxins in your system and will improve the appearance of your skin.

2. Eat fresh foods. Adding lots of fresh farm produce – fruits and vegetables will add fiber to your diet, keep you full and satisfied and full of nutritious vitamins and minerals.

3. Limit alcohol. Not only is alcohol calorie rich, there is no nutritional value to them. Keep your beverage intake to water rich and lo-cal varieties.

4. Walk More. Not only great for reducing calories but a great stress reliever.  Park your car further away from your destination or climb the stairs before reaching for the elevator.

Your goal should be to lose 1-2 pounds per week prior to the wedding.  Do not try to lose too much weight too quickly. Boosting your metabolism is one way to help the process.


Try Metabo-Speed an all natural supplement. Formulated with time proven herbs Metabo-Speed will help you to burn fat more quickly, boost your metabolism, slim down and reduce appetite and control hunger.

Finding The Best Diet Program For You

Wednesday, October 27, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

Obesity is becoming an epidemic.  It’s no wonder everyone is in search of a great diet program.  It’s hard to lose weight in the manner most doctors recommend: cutting calories and adding exercise.  Most of us want a shortcut to losing weight so we are always trying the latest trend. Here are some basic reasons why you should want to lose weight:


1. Health.  Not only will you look less attractive when you gain weight, however, your health becomes compromised. Heart problems, diabetes and allergies are just a few of the medical problems caused by weight gain.


2. Confidence. When better look and feel their best they have more self confidence, thus allowing them to live life to its fullest.  Overweight people are more self conscience and limit their activities and actions.


3. Money. By eating less and making healthier choices you will save money on all the junk food you are no longer purchasing! Not only that, by eliminating the junk you will be healthier with less need for costly doctor visits and medicines.


Now that you are revved up to lose those unwanted pounds, how to do it?  One good way to start is to boost your metabolism. Boosting your metabolism and curbing hunger go hand in hand.  You will eat less and trimming down the weight.


The winning formula to lose weight: Increase your metabolic rate to burn additional calories. More weight loss and less hunger is the formula for success.

Try supplementing your diet routine with an all-natural metabolism booster, like Metabo-Speed. Not only does Metabo-Speed increase metabolic rate, but also reduces hunger. So while you are burning more calories, you will also be decreasing caloric intake at the same time.