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Adapex, better known as Phentermine is one of the most popular diet drugs known to people worldwide. It is used treat obesity.

Adapex is readily available in its 15, 30 and 37.5 mg tablets and extended-releases. It usually is taken as a single daily dose in the morning or three times a day 30 minutes before meals for maximum effectiveness.

However, using Adapex on a daily basis can be habit-forming and addictive. There are long-term effects of Phentermine if used on a consistent basis. Temporary side effects including: blurred vision, dizziness, dry mouth, sleeplessness, irritability, stomach upset, hest pain, nervousness, pounding heart, difficulty urinating, mood changes and breathing difficulties usually disappear within a few days of using Adapex. However, Adapex can be very addictive and if abused, can make some of those side effects permanent.

You shouldn’t risk your health with the potential long-term effects of Adapex. At Lab88.com, we would like to offer the same maximum strength of Adapex while not containing the same effects of the anti-obesity drug. We offer the anti-obesity drug, Phentirmine. Phentirimine is the non-pharmaceutical version of Adapex. Our non-pharmaceutical Phentirmine is specially formulated to provide effects similar to the most popular prescription weight loss medication.

Phentirimine is a non-controlled substance which makes it legal to purchase over the internet without a prescription. Also, Phentirimine does not contain banned ingredients like Ephedra, Amphetamines or Speed. Check out more information about Phentirimine without taking a risk with long-term effects of Adapex, you can contact us at (888) LOOK-NICE or Lab88.com.

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