The Weight Loss Equation

Thursday, June 2, 2011 by Yakira A
The output must exceed the input. Or, you must burn more calories than you put in your mouth. Or, your caloric intake must be less than your energy expenditure. This is how you lose weight.

It's a simple formula in theory, but not so simple in application. We tend to enjoy food. We are often wired to remain inactive. We like when chips accompany our favorite TV show. But these impulses are what leave us with a positive number at the end of our equation instead of a negative one.

250 (Input of Chips) - 120 (Output from Watching TV + Bodily Functions) = 130.

That's 130 extra calories just sitting around in our guts. Of course, assuming we only ate 250 calories of chips in an hour was rather generous to begin you get the idea.

We could probably use a little help. We would probably benefit from a metabolism boost, a way to curb cravings, a little something that suppresses appetite.... Fortunately, such a thing exists: a diet pill. A diet pill can help keep your willpower in check, so that your desperation for something salty, crunchy and thin virtually disappears. Better still, it will make your body more efficient in burning calories overall, so that the number after the "equals" sign is, finally, below zero.

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