About Us      

We at Lab88.com are dedicated to providing cutting-edge medicine through Internet technology. Our physicians specialize in consulting with privacy-minded individuals and prescribing popular medications. These medications, sometimes called "embarrassment" drugs, are prescribed and dispensed by our physicians and pharmacists!

As a patient, you are able to:

  • Enjoy complete privacy, discretion, and dignity while addressing your condition.
  • Play an active role and participate more fully in your own process of care.
  • Enjoy your health care in an enlightened manner and maintain better health.
  • Enjoy a professional consultation at an affordable cost.

More and more individuals have become weary of the medical profession's attitude toward patient care. Patients are often left with little or no choice as to their course of treatment or what medications they are permitted to take.

Our physicians are dedicated to helping you make your own medical decisions. We are here to provide you with the professional consultation you need to decide which plan of care is right for you. You are a partner with us in the medical decision-making process.

The Internet has revolutionized a patient's ability to research his/her own health problems and independently discover the available options of treatment. We encourage you to review all medication information before making a decision to submit a consultation form to our physicians.

Many patients prefer the anonymity of an online consultation as opposed to a conversation with one's personal physician. The patient is benefited by technology. Although computers are often dismissed as dehumanizing, their use in online consultations greatly eases the patients' anxiety about discussing their medical conditions. It is not our position that the Internet could ever replace the importance of seeing your doctor regularly, in person. It is important that you seriously consider a full physical exam specifically to evaluate possible causes for your problem. The issuance of medication does not replace the need for a physical exam.

Customer Service:

E-mail [email protected].
Our Customer Service associates are available to answer your questions 24 hours per day, seven days per week.

Toll Free Telephone Assistance:
1-888-LOOK NICE (888.566.5642)- 8:30am 6:30pm EST, Monday through Friday.

Send Us Feedback!

We are committed to your complete satisfaction. If you have comments or believe that we can improve our service in any way, please email us at [email protected].

Company Information:
This site is serviced by USA Prescription, Inc. To contact us via postal mail, you may use this address:

Lab88.com, Inc.
1175 West Broadway, Suite 100
Hewlett, NY 11557

Copyright © 2001-2004 Lab88.com