You have given yourself ample time to lose the weight and with a little help from Lab88 I think you’ll have no problem doing it. I used their MetaboSpeed, Hoodia 750 and Carbo Delete to drop 65 pounds and I continue to use those products, as well as their detoxifying colon cleanser and Bullet Speed energizer to maintain my new figure.
Here’s what I suggest as a must to drop the weight:
Boost your Metabolism: Try Lab88’s MetaboSpeed to boost your metabolism, burn fat and become more active especially since you are saying you are in a rut. I remember the immediate boost of energy I felt when I started taking MetaboSpeed. This is just the product you need to get your metabolism moving so you can start burning calories and fat more effectively.
Learn more about MetaboSpeed
Eat Less: Hoodia 750 contains 750 miligrams of authentic Hoodia Gordonii. Hoodia Gordonii is a South African herb that has been clinically proven to suppress one’s appetite. Hoodia750 was absolutely essential in my weight loss because one of my major problems was with overeating, especially at night. If you take the Hoodia capsule 30 – 45 minutes before you eat, you’ll find yourself feeling full after you’ve eaten just a small amount.
Learn more about Hoodia 750
Flush your system with a detoxifying colon cleanse: Nowadays, our lifestyles often cause us to intake dangerous toxins through processed foods, beverages and even the air that we breathe. Many factors, especially stress decrease our body’s ability to naturally excrete these toxins and they cause a harmful backup of waste materials in our colons and livers. The detoxifying colon cleanse from Lab88 will flush out these dangerous toxins, removing excess waste and revitalizing your digestive system so it becomes more productive.
Learn more about the Detoxifying Colon Cleanse
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Decreasing Carbohydrates: Carbo Delete was an absolute must for me because late night junk food eating was my thing. As we all know by now, a diet high in carbohydrates often leads to weight gain because if you do not burn the calories from the carbohydrates they get stored away as fat. If you find it difficult to cut out the foods high in Carbs I suggest you pick up a bottle of Carbo Delete. Carbo Delete works by reducing your cravings for carbohydrates and blocking the absorption of the carbohydrates you eat so they are less likely to turn into fat.
Learn more about Carbo Delete
Bullet Speed energizer: I started using the Bullet Speed energizer when I began working out regularly. This energizing supplement has all the same and more benefits as an energy drink, only it’s much more cost effective and it doesn’t have the empty calories most energy drinks do. I take a Bullet Speed energy pill about a half hour before a workout and I’m able to have a more productive workout therefore helping me stay in shape.
Learn more about the Bullet Speed Energizer
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results Vary. 30-day multi-bottle guarantee restrictions apply.