Carbo Delete Success Story "After 3 months of losing weight and changing my eating habits, I continued slimming down..." My name is Gina. And I just wanted to say thank you to your wonderful company. Your products were a blessing to my self esteem and my waist line. Both improved dramatically with help from your Carbo Delete diet product. Iâve struggled with my weight ever since high school. I had a hated the shape of my body. I felt too big and kids at school only reinforced that. I canât ever recall a time when I felt pretty or skinny enough. Peer pressure at school and even at home to be thin made for an unhappy young girl with low self esteem. I became depressed, so much so that I overate constantly and gained 64 pounds. I finally weighed in at 233 pounds. That when I joined eDiets. It worked for a bit and I was able to lose 11 pounds before quitting. However, as soon as I got off eDiets I regained 10 pounds within 5 weeks. Then, I tried weight loss shakes, low-fat TV dinners and even low cal bars for breakfast. But nothing worked for long, I still overate. After a while, I gave up again and thought nothing would work for me. I never liked exercising and eating food helped offset some of my emotional needs. While surfing the net, on an online board, I came across a dieter who used Carbo Delete successfully. She lost 23 lbs with it. I emailed her and she described how Carbodelete helped her and she forwarded awesome tips to reduce my eating. Like me she also loved carb loaded foods, from breads to pastas to rice to deserts and especially sweets. My downfall was definitely a carb rich diet. I craved carbs. Nothing else fulfilled my cravings. I tried protein diets but they didnât make a dent in my appetite. Carbs would ultimately work their way back to my dinner plate. So I researched Carbo Delete and learned about its ingredients and guarantee policy and decided to give it a try. I started using Carbo Delete in August of 2004 at 233 pounds and reached my goal of 160 by this summer. During the first week, I ate three times a day and took one Carbo Delete pill twice daily. I started to lose weight as my cravings diminished. Finally, for the first time in my adult life, I felt so confident that I started to exercise and actually worked to change my eating habits. I felt better about myself. After the fist two weeks, I noticed that I lost 7 lbs and my food cravings decreased. I felt positive about reaching my goals and would mentally picture an all new slimmer me to get me motivated. I continued my diet using Carbo Delete and joined a local gym to slim down further. After the first month, I lost another 12 pounds and maintained this pace for two more months, losing 11 pounds in September and 9 in October. After two months, l lost 23 pounds. I cut all late night snacks and stopped eating when I got emotional. I rewarded myself with a promise of a fun beach vacation some place warm with lots of sunshine once I reach my goal weight. It helped keep me positive about my weight loss. After 3 months of losing weight and changing my eating habits I continued slimming down and haven't looked back since. I'm confident that if I can do it, anyone else can. After losing so much weight, I realize that losing weight is a tough and satisfying goal. Thanks to Carbo Delete, Iâm now back on carbs, but only in smaller balanced portions. Of course, I now eat properly and exercise weekly and can enjoy my thinner body and limited carb sweets every now and again. Thanks again. - Gina., CT