Nuts and the Best Fat Pills

Monday, December 6, 2010 by Daniel Adler
Everyone wants to look better; it's human nature. And whether that means losing weight around those troublesome areas like your upper thighs or lower belly, or getting rid of the bags around your eyes, there are ways to do it.

If you really want to lose weight, a metabolism enhancer might be the best way to go. A diet loss plan quick weight loss is rapidly sped up when you take supplements. Then as far as your diet goes, you can gain lots of energy and protein by eating more nuts. Walnuts, almonds, and cashews are a great way to open up your arteries and reduce your risk of heart disease. They have tons of vitamins and minerals, as well as lots of healthy omega-3 fatty acids. These antioxidants and fats do the opposite of what cheeseburgers and french fries do to your body.

And when you combine a metabolism enhancer with a body detoxifier, you may be surprised to find yourself with more energy and a lower body weight. A body detoxifier removes your innards of years of old, dried waste. That waste sits in your intestines and your colon and makes you weigh more and feel slower, like you have less energy. So try a body detoxifier and the best fat pills today!


Wednesday, November 17, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

 Fat Tuesday is the start of Mardi Gras season.  Mardi Gras actually means “fat Tuesday” which is the day before Ash Wednesday and marks the start of Lent – a period of fasting and abstinence for Christians. During Lent many give up a favorite treat for the 40 days before Easter.


Fat Tuesday is therefore generally a day to indulge in excess treats so no doubt many of you will also gain a few pounds as you overindulge and satisfy that sweet tooth on the special day of feasting and indulgence.


What are some of the traditional fat Tuesday treats?


  • King Cake – A favorite in New Orleans, the King cake is a circular braided cinnamon-roll-like cake traditionally topped with icing and colored sugar – generally either green, gold or purple.
  • Paczki (pronounced Pach-kee) a doughy treat resembling an oversized donut filled with cream or jelly and topped with powdered sugar. Each Paczki can be a whopping 600 calories with over 25 grams of fat. Ouch!
  • Fastnacht and Kinklings – a sweet, fried dough similar to Packzki.
  • Pancakes like donuts are associated with Lent because in the past they were a way to clear out of the pantry unused ingredients like eggs, milk, and sugar, before the fasting season of Lent.
  • Hot Cross Buns - typically mark the end of the Lent season? They are sweet yeast rolls with raisins or currants and topped with a crisscross of icing. Traditionally eaten on Good Friday and all throughout the Easter holiday season.



How to get rid of the excess Fat Tuesday pounds?


  • A bit of extra exercise never hurt burning off the 300-600 calories treats! Try forty-five minutes to an hour of jogging, aerobics or swimming to burn off the excess calories. Can’t run? Try a low-impact workout, like an hour of brisk walking.
  • Try colon cleansing to purge away the toxins and fat. It is thought that at any given time the colon can store the equivalent of up to 6 meals. Therefore, purging the colon of waste is an important part in any weight loss program. Colon cleansing combined with exercise and healthier eating habits will give you energy to stick to a healthier eating/exercising plan. Additionally you will enjoy improved digestion which will only help your overall detox and weight loss goals.



Try Co-Clean colon cleansing, a natural supplement to get you back on track after Fat Tuesday. If you are interested in improving your overall health and losing weight then an efficient and natural colon cleanse is an absolute must-have. Herbs play a pivotal part in implementing a mild and safe colon cleansing treatment. They help in removing fecal matter, prevent toxin formation, and most importantly lead to removal of the harmful bacteria and parasites. Ingredients like apple cider vinegar, grapefruit concentrate, chitosan, cascara sagrada bark are natural and help with the flushing of toxins and waste build up in the colon which in turn will lead to weight loss.


When the digestive system is not working properly, it makes it extremely difficult to lose weight because your body is not breaking down and excreting the foods that you eat. Co-Clean is the ultimate detoxifier for colon cleansing to maintain digestive health which can improve quality of life and promote weight loss. Safe and effective Co-Clean will help you achieve your weight loss goals.

With Co-Clean you will sway your appetite and metabolism back to a normal function, enabling your body to comfortably adjust to your ideal weight for your natural size. You will detox and cleanse your entire body—watch the pounds of waste built up over the years release in just days.  Feel lighter, more energized and less bloated too.

3 Tips to Lose Weight Fast

Sunday, November 14, 2010 by Daniel Adler
Eating a healthy diet can be difficult. When you go out to eat meals, there are a lot of different options for eating healthy, but if you're going to indulge at a restaurant, who wants to stay on their diet?

There are a few things to consider when trying to lose weight fast. First of all, don't go out to eat as much. Not only will you save money but you will be able to see exactly what goes into your meals and make sure that the ingredients you use are of a fine quality.

Secondly, exercise. You need to do cardio to really lose weight fast. But you can supplement that weight loss with some of the best fat pils on the market. There are lots of other supplements to consider as well, if you want a metabolism enhancer or simply to look your best as soon as possible.

And lastly, you may want to consider a body detoxifier. A colon cleanse is a great way to purify your body and rid it of nast gunk and goop that has been sitting inside you for years.

These three tips can help you to look your best as soon as possible.


Sunday, November 7, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

Colon Cleansers are used to remove environmental and dietary toxins from the body. Detoxification is the removal of potentially toxic substances from the body. Most people in general have an unhealthy digestive system.  Read on to learn more about the symptoms and causes of a poor digestive system and the solution for a healthy colon.


Symptoms of an unhealthy digestive system:


  • Stomach bloating
  • Poor digestion
  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain
  • Premature aging
  • Excessive mucus
  • Poor complexion
  • Poor concentration skills
  • Depression
  • Body odor


The problem with the body storing waste:

  •  Statistics prove that over 90% of diseases and sickness result from an unhealthy digestive system.
  • Wastes are stored into our bodies, by poor eating habits and environmental pollution,
  • The buildup of waste in the body that are caused by toxins, bacteria and parasites result  in sickness and poor overall health.
  • Everyone is prone to developing serious problems in the intestinal tract.  Over time this may contribute to the development of various chronic, acute, and degenerative diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart conditions.
  • It is essential for our body to function optimally and rid our system of these toxins as they are harmful and attack our immune system.   
  • Up to 25 pounds of waste may be stored in the colon. When the digestive system is backed up with waste and not working properly, it makes it extremely difficult to lose weight because your body is not breaking down and excreting the foods that you eat.



How does one eliminate this excess waste and detox your body:

Internal cleansing, also known as detoxification, is an essential element in maintaining digestive health. There are numerous well-known detox and colon cleansing programs being marketed to help you cleanse your body of unwanted toxins, colon build-up and parasites.


Co-Clean is the ultimate detoxifier for intestinal cleansing to maintain digestive health which can improve quality of life. This product initiates the cleansing process with a potent combination of powerful cleansing roots and extracts. These tablets will pave the way for you to detoxify your system and you should begin to feel the positive effects just a few days into the program.


One reason why people should use a natural colon cleanse product is because of all the bad chemicals they have taken into their body. It is important that when you review the best colon cleansing products on the market, that you consider using one with natural ingredients. Natural cleansing supplements are safe and effective to detox and cleanse your system.




Monday, November 1, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

We have all heard much excitement about the benefits of colon cleansing.  There are numerous methods and products to help along with the process. A simple body-detox diet plan will help you to detoxify your system and lose weight in just days.  Below is a sample day in the detox-diet.

Wake Up / Pre-Breakfast

·                        Cup one: warm water with a 1/2 lemon squeezed into it

·                        Cup two: water with 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds


·                        Make a smoothie with pear, rice milk and rice protein powder

·                        Take a supplement of vitamin C


·                        Cup of apple juice watered down with water

·                        Cup of vegetable broth

·                        Plate of celery sticks and hummus


·                        Prepare a chunky vegetable soup prepared with vegetable stock and your selection of vegetables

·                        Steamed broccoli with sesame seeds and beets sprinkled with lemon juice over brown rice

·                        Portion of apple sauce

·                        Take a supplement: multivitamin


·                        Plate of Carrot sticks with hummus dip

·                        Water

·                        Take a supplement: milk thistle


·                        Portion of curried lentils on quinoa

·                        Salad with mixed greens, red peppers, artichokes and sprouts lightly dressed with prepared salad dressing of  garlic, lemon juice and olive oil

·                        Cup of vegetable broth


·                        Cup of water with 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds


To supplement your body detox diet try using an all natural colon-cleanse supplement like Co-Clean.  These tablets will pave the way for you to detoxify your system and you should begin to feel the positive effects just after a few days. Cleansing your system of toxins, flushing waste from your bosy and losing those extra pounds are just a few of the benefits.

Co-Clean is a safe effective natural supplement formulated to diet and detox your body. Colon cleansing and weight loss is a winning formula, Co-Clean is the best rated body detoxifier on the market.



Monday, October 25, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

Since primeval times there have been recorded documents of colon purification, beginning with the enema.  Ancient peoples gave themselves enemas in the river utilizing hollow reeds to funnel water to pour into the rectum.  Other recorded colonics through the ages take account of:



THE 1400’s:

  • King Louis XI attributed enemas for relieving his bout of seizures.
  • King Louis XIII received over 200 enemas in one year.
  • King Louis XIV reportedly, by William Lieberman, had over 2,000 enemas during his reign.



THE 1500’s:

There are antique Egyptian documents citing enema therapy.  Hippocrates, Pare and Galen are attributed with advancing the use of enemas as a therapeutic cure.



THE 1600’s:

  • Seemingly no dwelling was without one, they were so widespread.  Liquids with color and fragrance were used for the 3-4 time daily enemas considered critical to one’s well-being. Playwrights of the generation, including Molier, included discussion of enemas in theatrical plays.
  • In the book “De Clysteribus” written by Regnier De Graff in 1668, the creation of a self administered enema with a flexible tube connected to an enema bag was described.  Until this time, enemas necessitated an associate.
  • Medical doctors highly recommended enema procedure; however, often their apprentices or even a barber carried out the treatment.



THE 1700’s:

The discovery of rubber in the 1750’s enabled the evolution of a more comfortable nozzle, thus making enemas easier and more comfortable to use.



THE 1800’s:

  • Enemas were still commonly utilized for the purpose of maintaining health and thwarting disease. It is noted that preceding the famous Lewis and Clarke expedition, their physician recommended the use of enemas for fever and illness, a widely conventional procedure for offsetting an illness.
  • Vincenz Priessnitz, an Austrian developed the first hydropathic institution in the world featuring a course of water treatments in the mountain streams, as well as a unique diet.




THE 1900’s:

  • The Journal of the American Medial Association reports of Dr. John H. Kellogg’s use of hydrotherapy on 40,000 patients for the treatment of gastrointestinal disease.  He declares that in all but 20 cases he required no surgery and that 90% of all disease occurs from the improper function of the colon.
  • 1920-1950 colon irrigation machines were commonly seen and regularly used as a standard practice in hospitals and Doctor's offices.
  • By the mid 1960’s colon irrigation and hydrotherapy was on the decline.  Hospitals and doctors now preferred using laxatives or colostomy surgeries.



THE 2000’s:


There are grass root alternative medicine and health remedies that seek to reestablish the lost know-how of the past in regard to colonics for ones general health.  By administering a natural colon cleansing treatment every few months you will be on your way to maintain and improve your overall health.



Co-Clean, a natural colon cleansing supplement,  has a series of products that help you on your way to outstanding colon health.  Created with Apple Cider Vinegar, Cascara Sagrada Bark, Senna Extract and other natural elements the Co-Clean system will cleanse and detoxify your colon and within days you will experience its beneficial effects.


  • Lose weight
  • flatter stomach
  • energy and vitality are increased
  • skin, hair and nails are clearer, more radiant, stronger



Using a natural colon cleanser like Co-Clean will help in losing weight and attaining flatter abs by improving bowel function as the backed up toxins in your digestive system are purged.

In addition, using a colon cleansing supplement to improve colon health will not only have the added benefit of energizing your whole body, however, it will also improve skin clarity and bad breath.  The best natural colon detoxifier supplement to try is Co-Clean.



Friday, October 22, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

Colon cleansing has gained resurgence in popularity in recent years.  Primarily there are two methods to colon cleansing that have gained appeal.

1.      Colon irrigation with a practitioner

2.      Self -Cleansing through use of supplements such as powders, capsules, special blends of herbal teas, enemas and laxatives.


Colon irrigation began about one hundred years ago when the first modern colon irrigation machine was invented. However, colonics have been used for centuries as a way of treating and preventing disease.


How does it work?


In a procedure that lasts for about an hour, a practitioner or therapist has you lie on a table.  A machine flushes tens of gallons through a tube inserted into your rectum.  Once the colon is filled with water the practitioner massages your abdomen and flushes the wastes through another tube.


What are the possible side effects?

Two of the most serious are bowel perforation and infection.  In addition, there are possible vomiting, cramps, and nausea. Dizziness can be a sign of dehydration, potential interference with medications. If the therapist adds any other ingredients to the water, there is the potential for an allergic reaction.


Long term use of irrigation can upset the balance of your colon’s healthy bacteria and hinder normal bowel function.


The better choice:


Use a colon cleansing supplement. Using ingredients like Apple Cider Vinegar to assist in the elimination of toxins in the body, you will also boost energy levels and increase your vitality.


It never hurts ones colon health to increase the amount of fiber in you diet.  Most American’s consume only 10-15 grams of fiber in a typical American diet, however, really the average person needs colder to 20-25 grams.  Foods like oatmeal, bran, fruit, and vegetables will pump up your fiber content. You will also need to drink lots of water to flush the fiber through your system, however, avoid alcohol, tobacco, and limit red meat.


Try Co-Clean Cleanse & Flush Tablets to kick off the colon cleansing and detoxifying process.  These tablets use a potent combination of cleansing roots and extracts.  Follow the tablets with the Co-Clean Detox Powder which cleanses, soothes your colon by breaking down the built-up toxins and waste materials that are currently clogging your system.

What are some of the immediate benefits you will feel after cleansing?

  • Feeling lighter and less bloated
  • Less indigestion and flatulence since the process clears the intestinal tract
  • Increased energy since:
    • GI tract is performing better
    • Less energy is involved to digest your food, leaving more energy for other tasks


Co-Clean tablets will pave the way for you to detoxify your bodyand you should begin to feel the positive effects just a few days into the program.


As discussed, when you do not cleanse and detoxify the colon you will not be able to purge wastes properly, which can in turn cause all the undigested food to build up and stay in the colon for days, weeks, months, even years.  One of the side effects of this buildup is unwanted weight gain. After a colon cleansing, removing these waste products will result in weight loss, and a even flatter abs.

For the best body detox, safe and effecvtive try Co-Clean!!




Tuesday, October 19, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs


Sacred bark is another name for Cascara sagrada which has a long history of traditional use by native Americans for constipation and colon health. The dried, aged bark of this tree has been used continually for at least 1,000 years. Cascara sagrada bark is harvested mainly from wild trees; The bark, once stripped from the tree, is aged for nearly one year to lessen its effect since freshly cut, dried bark is so potent that it may cause vomiting and bloody diarrhea. Cascara sagrada is generally recognized as being safe and effective by most medical and health professionals.



Several years ago the department of US Health & Human Services admitted that "over 90%" of Americans are suffering from clogged colons.

Auto-toxemia defined as the poisoning of the body with toxic substances formed inside the body, for example with intestinal digestion. Auto-toxemia is the cause of the majority of all diseases and degenerative conditions. With better health habits, one can prevent or dramatically reduce the odds of developing chronic disease, illness and cellular degeneration.



At the turn of the century in the late 1800’s the famous surgeon and the father of Kellogg's Corn Flakes, Dr. Kellogg, stated that he believed the colon could be the origin of most health problems, for this reason he and his brothers created cereal to help improve bowel function. He asserted that 90% of disease is due to improper functioning of the colon. "Of the 22,000 operations I have personally performed, I have never found a single normal colon."



The herb Cascara Sagrada has been found to be helpful in advancing colon health. Cascara Sagrada is well known for its effectiveness with chronic constipation and it is not found to be habit forming. Cascara Sagrada is considered by most to be safe and effective for detoxification and cleansing programs - a best body detox ingredient!



Performing a colon cleansing treatment a couple of times a year helps to rid the buildup of old excrement and built up toxins in the colon. Many people find the bi-annual cleaning of the colon has other positive benefits as well including:

  • Clearer sinuses
  • Better skin clarity
  • Less constipation
  • Increased energy
  • Weight loss


One highly rated natural colon cleanser with Cascara Sagrada bark is Co-Clean. The Co-Clean detoxifying colon cleanser supplement is a unique proprietary blend of specific natural herbs best known to aid the body in the detox action, cleansing your body of the harmful toxins that may lead to a multitude of health issues. One key benefit is weight loss and decreased constipation and bloating. Detox and Cleanse with Co-Clean.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs


Has life’s everyday frustrations been getting you down? Do you find yourself eating your way to happiness? That is until you look in the mirror and see that the pounds have been adding up. If you are like me you feel like you are carrying around excess baggage and you want to detox your body and get your body back in shape.


Our lifestyles often cause us to take in dangerous toxins through "fast" foods, caffeine, nicotine, carbonated beverages, and air pollutants from cars and industrial plants. While our bodies have a natural system to eliminate these toxins, they were not designed to effectively excrete things like the above.


According to the American Heart Association, over 30% of the US population is overweight. This is largely due to the build up of toxins in our bodies that disturb the productivity of our digestive systems. Excess waste in our colon can average up to 25 pounds. That in itself is a reason to detoxify your colon. In addition, it will help you lose weight and feel better overall.


Your body would benefit from a colon cleanse, or detox, to flush these dangerous toxins out of your system, revitalizing yourself to look and feel much better. Diet and Colon Cleansing will result in an overall improved sense of health and well-being, increased energy levels, clearer skin, improved productivity of your digestive system, improved concentration, better absorption of vitamins and minerals and especially weight loss.


Why Detoxify with a Colon Cleanse?

 To help reduce the following side effects of a toxic buildup in the body:

·         Constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, bloating and indigestion

  • Increased energy and vitality level
  • Healthier bowel movements (eliminates constipation problems, and prevents disease of the colon)
  • Weight Loss
  • Improved look and strength of hair, skin, and nails
  • Elimination of fatty wastes, mucus, and other toxic buildups
  • Decreased cholesterol
  • An overall feeling of improved health and wellbeing

Which product should you choose to diet and cleanse? Look for one with natural ingredients. Co-Clean is a wonderful colon cleanse supplement using a unique proprietary blend of specific herbs known to detoxify and cleanse your body. With ingredients like apple cider vinegar, grapefruit concentrate, chitosan, cascara sagrada bark and more; Co-Clean works to eliminate the body of harmful toxins promoting weight loss and optimal health.



·         Weight gain and inability to lose weight

·         A disruption in mental function

·         Stiffness and pain in the joints

·         Excess strain and weakening of the heart

·         Blemishes, paleness, psoriasis, break-outs and other skin problems

·         Bad breath

Colon Cleanse Benefits include:


Friday, October 15, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs



Time to shed those unwanted pounds and lighten up . Wouldn’t you like to not only lose weight but achieve an overall improved sense of health and well-being, increased energy levels, clearer skin, improved productivity of your digestive system, improved concentration, and better absorption of vitamins and minerals. If you have answered YES to the above, then a colon cleanse is what you need now.


A colon cleanser is a product that offers benefits such as weight loss, relief from constipation, indigestion, and bloating and works to revitalize your hair, skin and nails.


Colon Cleanse health benefits may include:

  • Stop Recurring Headaches
  • End Constipation
  • Slow Food Cravings
  • End Mood Swings
  • Boost Energy
  • Weight Loss
  • Prevent Colon Cancer
  • Ease Embarrassing Gas
  • Improve acne, eczema, brittle hair and nails


Many people find it difficult to lose weight from their waistline or stomach. The reason is that this area is bloated by an obstructed colon clogged with up to 25 pounds of accumulated waste and toxins forcing the stomach to protrude outward. Bulges spanning from your stomach, hips, and pelvic region are typically a direct result from poor colon hygiene. When you do not cleanse the colon you will not be able to eliminate wastes properly, which can in turn cause undigested food and built up fecal matter to stay in the colon for days, weeks, months, even years, adding unhealthy pounds to your body. After cleansing, removing these waste products will result in weight loss, and a flatter, non-swollen stomach.


Basic Detoxifying Tips:

  1. Add Fiber to your Diet
  2. Drink Plenty of Water
  3. Transform stress into positive energy
  4. Sweat as much as possible
  5. Exercise



If you are interested in improving your overall health and losing weight then an efficient and natural colon cleanse is an absolute must-have. Herbs play a pivotal part in implement a mild and safe colon cleansing. They help in removing fecal matter, prevent toxin formation, and most importantly lead to removal of the harmful bacteria and parasites.


Ingredients like apple cider vinegar, grapefruit concentrate, chitosan, cascara sagrada bark are natural and help with the flushing of toxins and waste build up in the colon.


Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple Cider vinegar has been used throughout the years as a natural remedy from a long list of health aliments. It also helps in eliminating harmful toxins from the body. By breaking down fat and mucus in the body, apple cider vinegar will help your lose weight in a natural and safe way.


Grapefruit Concentrate: Grapefruit concentrate is effective in fighting infections and promoting health. By getting rid of unwanted microorganisms in the stomach, Grapefruit concentrate also stimulates the absorption of essential nutrients.


Chitosan: Chitosan is able to collect fat in the stomach to aid in weight loss by holding fat together so that it can’t be absorbed by the body, and is thus excreted through bowel movements. It also helps lower your cholesterol.


Cascara Sagrada Bark: Cascara Sagrada Bark aids in the liver and digestive system. It acts as a laxative to promote regular bowel movements and prevent excess liquid consumption of the colon.


One product that contains all the above is Co-Clean; it works to eliminate the body of harmful toxins promoting weight loss and optimal health. While you are cleansing make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day to ensure proper hydration. While there is no specific diet that you need to follow, to most effectively rid your body of impurities like caffeine, nicotine, and undigested red meat, it would be most beneficial to restrict your intake somewhat. Most experts would agree that a key to better health would be to avoid caffeine sources such as coffee and soda, smoking, red meats and alcohol.


If you are looking to detox and cleanse Co-Clean is the best body detox for you.

Is Your Body Bathing Suit Worthy?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs


Nearly 25% of all Americans are overweight. The obesity rate has risen 50% over the last decade. Its no wonder that dieting is on everyone’s mind. With the the holidays just around the corner we all want to get our bodies bathing suit worthy. We all know what we should be doing to lose the weight – reduce caloric intake and increase exercise – however, as the old saying goes “easier said” than done! If you are like most Americans you need a little push with a product designed to help you lose the excess fat.



One natural way to aid in the weight loss department is body detoxify by flushing the toxins from your system, ridding you body of up to 25 pounds of accumulated fecal matter and waste stuck in your digestive track and colon. Colon cleansing for weight loss has become very popular. In addition, colon detoxifying has become a more mainstream means to purge your body of the hazardous toxins and build-up in your body. There are all-natural supplements that help with this cleansing process formulated with well known and time proven herbs.


Cascara Sagrada Bark – is a dried, aged bark of a small buckthorn tree family which is native to the Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington and southern British Columbia). The bark must be aged for safe use, it is otherwise too strong a laxative which may even induce vomiting. Native Americans have long used this safe laxative for treating constipation. Cascara Sagrada is Spanish for “sacred bark” and is still used today by medical practitioners as an over the counter laxative. When used for short periods of time at the recommended dose, cascara appears to have no toxicities.



Chitosan – is a dietary supplement is made from chitin, a starch found in the skeleton of shellfish like shrimp, and crab. Since Chitosan does not digest, passing through the intestinal tract unabsorbed it supposedly binds with fatty foods, thus removing fat from the body instead of absorbing it. Unlike phentermine and sibutramine it appears to be safer and not associated with cardiac valve abnormalities. Furthermore, it is also not associated with the gastrointestinal complaints of medications like Alli with side effects of oily stools, cramping, and nausea. In addition, Chitosan has been shown to cholesterol, improve anemia, boost physical strength, and encourage sleep.



Senna Leaf Extract – Also known as cassia angustifolia, Senna is a low branching shrub with a straight woody stem and yellow flowers that grows in regions of the upper Nile of North Africa and Arabia in heights of up to 3 feet.  Doctors in ancient Egypt used Senna over 3500 years ago on their royal patients. Used for centuries as a natural remedy for constipation, senna is commonly used as an active ingredient in laxatives such as Senekot. Both its leaves and seed are medicinal, relieving constipation by stimulating the colon.



While many people find it difficult to lose weight from their waistline or stomach they often believe that it is solely due to stored fats in that area. The truth is that most people are not aware that this is frequently caused by obstructed colons clogged with retained waste and toxins protruding outwards. Bulges spanning from your stomach, hips, and pelvic region are typically a direct result from poor colon hygiene. When you do not cleanse the colon you will not be able to eliminate wastes properly, which can in turn cause undigested food and built up fecal matter to stay in the colon for days, weeks, months, even years, adding unhealthy pounds to your body. After cleansing, removing these waste products will result in weight loss, and a flatter, non-swollen stomach.


All three ingredients are found in Co-Clean, a natural colon cleansing supplement. After using a colon cleansing product people usually experience an improved sense of well being, increased vitality, better bowel function, boosted energy, improved concentration, clearer sinuses, clearer skin and the added benefit of weight loss as the backed up toxins are flushed out from their digestive system. Flatter abs will be yours when you combine your colon cleansing with exercise, and a more healthful diet. Start now and you will be bathing-suit-worthy in no time!




Healthy Habits - Detox Your Organs

Tuesday, October 12, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs


FACT: Your overall health can become compromised due to factors related to stress, poor diet, sluggishness, and dehydration, when the body does not operate properly and your ability to eliminate wastes becomes impaired. 


Avoidance of chemicals, from food or other sources, refined food, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, and many drugs helps minimize the toxin load.


FACT ON COLON: Even if your weight is normal, you may be lugging around between 10 and 20 pounds of decaying fecal matter in your colon. 


Many of us are familiar with colon cleansing. It is a known fact that due to poor eating habits and environmental pollution, wastes are stored into our bodies. This buildup of waste causes toxins, bacteria and parasites which spread throughout the body resulting in sickness and undermining overall health. The human body was not designed to properly excrete toxins from such things as processed foods, caffeine, nicotine, carbonated beverages and even air pollutants. Colon cleansing will help you uncover increased energy levels, clearer skin, improved productivity of your digestive system, improved concentration, better absorption of vitamins and minerals and even weight loss.

When the digestive system is not working properly, it makes it extremely difficult to lose weight because your body is not breaking down and excreting the foods that you eat. Co-Clean is the ultimate detoxifier for intestinal cleansing to maintain digestive health which can improve quality of life

Detox and diet with Co-Clean tablets. Safe and effective as a weight loss pill. Diet and Colon Cleanse today with Co-Clean.


FACT: Your kidneys and liver are also prone to excess waste and a complete detox program should include all three elements.


FACT ON KIDNEYS: The primary role of the Kidney is to filter blood and regulate system waste and maintain a balance of bodily fluids.


Your kidneys work tirelessly to filter out the toxins and waste products from your blood supply. A kidney cleanse is done in order to cleanse the delicate kidney tubules and supporting tissues from foreign substances which have collected there due to the body's inability to eliminate them via the usual way, the urinary bladder. The kidneys are one of the major eliminative organs.  The two most common causes of kidney disease are diabetes and high blood pressure.

Kidney stones begin as tiny crystals, much too tiny to be seen by x-rays.. Phosphate crystals are made from eating too many phosphates. Phosphate levels are high in meats, breads, cereals, pasta, and carbonated drinks. East less of these and increase your intake of milk, fruits and vegetables. The passage of kidney crystals causes much pain in the entire abdominal area, particularly the testicles.

The key to clean kidneys is drinking enough water, juices, and herbal teas along with a proper diet. Consuming these will not only improve your digestion but improve your entired health. Avoid drinks with caffeine or alcohol. Sometimes a better diet with more water can be enough, but in some circumstances a master cleanse is needed to clean the kidney.

Try Ki-Clean detoxifier to revitalizes and improve Kidney function. Avoid unnecessary kidney or bladder problems by using Ki-Clean one of the best body detox products.

FACT ON LIVER: The liver helps to detoxify your body.

Liver is the 2nd largest organ after the skin. It is the most important metabolic organ for carbohydrate, protein, fats and hormones. Aside from synthesis and excretion of bile, it also stores vitamins, filter impurities and toxic material from the blood. Liver damage is usually slow in coming and builds over time and can often manifest itself in yellowing of the skin and eyes.

A liver cleanse is designed to get rid of fatty deposits that build up in the gallbladder and liver. These can become sites that trap bacteria and fungal growth and make your liver less efficient. A liver cleanse will also rid you of most of your allergies and it will help lower your bad (LDL) cholesterol, as well as detoxify your liver.

Try Li-Clean body detoxifier to promote improved liver health. Do not wait until there is a problem, be proactive with your liver health and encourage your body to purify the organ that cleans your body.

Natural products that help detox and cleanse your colon, liver and kidneys help keep your organs operating at its optimum. For all your detoxing and organ cleanser needs go to



SPRING CLEANING. Clean your digestive system.

Monday, October 11, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs


The average person thinks they are living a fairly healthy lifestyle. Balanced diet, exercise, moderate alcohol consumption…sounds good right? In actuality most people have the equivalent of 8 meals stored up in their colon. This means up to 25 pounds of waste lingering in your colon. So what is the harm you may ask? Besides causing really bad chronic constipation other symptoms include bloating, bad breath, chronic fatigue, headaches, a compromised immune system and sinus congestion. An impacted colon can also add stress to the liver because of the increase of toxins in the body. In addition, it can possibly lead to colon cancer. These are just several reasons why you should consider a colon cleanse for your body.


Now with Spring around the corner it is the ideal time to do a colon cleansing and enjoy the many benefits this will bring to your overall health.

  • weight loss
  • a flatter, non-swollen stomach
  • increased energy and vitality
  • clearer, more radiant skin, stronger nails and more vibrant hair


Perhaps you do not know much about colon cleansing. What exactly is a Colon Cleanser and what impact will it have on your health?


Detoxification is the process of clearing toxins from the body or neutralizing or transforming them, and clearing excess mucus and congestion. Many of these toxins come from our diet, drug use, and environmental exposure.


Nowadays, our lifestyles often cause us to take in dangerous toxins through processed foods, beverages and even the air that we breathe. While our bodies have a natural system to excrete these toxins, they were not designed to effectively expel things like "fast" food, caffeine, nicotine, carbonated beverages, and air pollutants from cars and industrial plants. Thus, over time, your body becomes backed up with dangerous toxins and your digestive system and liver fall short on effectively eliminating these impurities.



Detoxification involves dietary and lifestyle changes along with products that initiate the cleansing process with a potent combination of powerful cleansing roots and extracts. While you are cleansing make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day to ensure proper hydration. The frequency of cleanses depends on the needs of the individual. If you begin to accumulate a new buildup of toxins and begin to feel run-down again, you can always begin another round of internal cleansing.


Many companies are re-labeling their laxatives and calling them "Detoxifiers". To properly detoxify, you need the correct combination of ingredients and supplements. There are review sites that help you to find the right over the counter product for you. ColonCleansersReviewed.Com is one such site. Ten popular products are reviewed and ranked to help you with the process of detoxing your colon and getting you ready for a Spring cleaning!


Co-Clean is ranked the number one product. Many people reported improved, more productive bowel movements. This is normal during a detoxification process and you should not be alarmed. You are simply excreting the waste that has built up over the years.


Some people experience minor nausea, fatigue and headaches at the beginning of a cleanse followed by a much improved sense of well being, vitality, improved bowel function, increased energy, improved concentration, clearer sinuses, cleaner and clearer skin and weight loss as the backed up toxins begin to purge from their system.

Colon cleansing will not only lighten your digestive system it will lighten all of you!  Detox and diet at the same time with natural supplement Co-Clean.


Thursday, October 7, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs


Is your skin broken out or looking dull? Do you suffer from eczema, skin rashes, breakouts and poor skin condition overall. Do you find your hair and nails to be brittle and or falling out? Have you tried every new skin care products on the market and still no change? You may be in need of cleaning your skin literally from the inside out. Diagnosis: You have an unhealthy colon!


How does having an unhealthy colon cause acne, bad skin, brittle hair and nails? Simple. When there are toxins in our body stored in the colon, the toxins need to be released somewhere. If they can't escape through the colon, they'll escape and clog our pores, causing acne and other skin conditions.


Constipation, gas and bloating, weight gain, fatigue, skin and hair problems are all symptoms of an unhealthy colon. What can you do to achieve beautiful skin? Detoxify your colon. To permanently get rid of acne you need to get to the root of the problem, your unwholesome clogged colon. In order to permanently get rid of acne, you must do three things along with washing your face every day/night- cleanse your colon, do a kidney cleaning, and liver flushes.


Due to poor eating habits and environmental pollution, wastes are stored into our bodies. This buildup of waste causes toxins, bacteria and parasites which spread throughout the body resulting in sickness and undermining overall health.


The human body was not designed to properly excrete toxins from such things as processed foods, caffeine, nicotine, carbonated beverages and even air pollutants. Ailments such as acid reflux, chronic fatigue, constipation, diverticulitis and diverticulosis, irritable bowel syndrome, parasites, indigestion, skin and hair problems, stomach pain and even weight gain are often symptoms that are telling your body you are overloaded with toxins. Since no one is able to live free from modern day contaminants that surround us, and since there few people eat the right foods all the time, it is safe to say that everyone has toxins in their colon that should be removed.


Even if your overall diet is well balanced and healthy, consider the fact that the waste that accumulates in your colon does not always get evacuated quickly and completely. Taking the time to regularly flush out any waste products from your colon before they have the chance to create the toxic substances that will in turn cause other health problems is a sensible plan.


Results common for colon cleanses are an overall improved sense of health and well-being, increased energy levels, clearer skin, improved productivity of your digestive system, improved concentration, better absorption of vitamins and minerals and even weight loss.


How to Detox Your Body? Detoxifying Tips:

  1. Add Fiber to your Diet
  2. Drink Plenty of Water
  3. Transform stress into positive energy
  4. Sweat as much as possible
  5. Exercise


There are products on the market that can safely help you to clean your colon and offer relief from constipation, indigestion, and bloating and works to revitalize your hair, skin and nails. Try Co-Clean the best body detox. Co-Clean is a unique proprietary blend of specific herbs known to detoxify and cleanse your body. With ingredients like apple cider vinegar, grapefruit concentrate, chitosan, cascara sagrada bark and more; Co-Clean works to eliminate the body of harmful toxins promoting weight loss and optimal health with the added benefit of clearer, cleaner more radiant skin.

Are Gluten Products Clogging Your Colon?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

Gluten Colon Cloggers

Studies show that 1 in 1,000 people suffer from a wheat allergy, or Celiac disease. Celiac disease is the bodies inability to digest wheat, or an allergic reaction to the protein called gluten. Some researchers propose that the actual total percentage of the population having “gluten-sensitivity” is really closer to 2-3% of the population. Gluten sensitivity (GS) may be at the root of some cancers, auto-immune disorders, neurological and psychiatric conditions and liver disease. The American diet is heavily wheat based including white breads, processed cereals, pastries, pasta etc. can actually be making millions of people ill.


Biologically, eating processed and refined wheat products causes a peak in blood sugar, followed by a drop, which can make people feel ill. Even whole wheat and other cereal grains that also contain gluten can be hard to digest. Most people would be better off without consuming any gluten at all, problem is, we are addicted it!


Years and years of consuming white bread, and other foods with refined and processed flour will ultimately lead to a buildup of mucoid plaque, which will then of course lead to a buildup of toxins, fecal matter, and impurities in the colon. The only way to help purify your system other than becoming vegan is to colon cleanse once or twice a year.  Colon cleansing, or body detoxifying, will help alleviate the buildup of this "glue" in the colon and improve not only your colon and digestive system, however, your overall health as well. Try Co-Clean natural colon cleansing supplement to help purify your system. You may want to cut back on the gluten based products as well.

A natural colon cleansing pill is the best way to detox your body at home. Detox and cleanse at home with Co-Clean tablets formulated with Apple Cider Vinegar, Grapefruit Concentrate, Cascarda Sagrada,  Senna Extract and Oat Fiber. Two colon tablets a day will really work.


A Makeover for Your Insides

Wednesday, October 6, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs


 To makeover: to remodel, renovate, or restore.


Every so often, we take the time to give ourselves a beauty makeover. Whether it’s to get a drastic new haircut, replace an outdated wardrobe, or for the women, get their nails and makeup done, we are all trying to keep our appearance in tip-top shape. But all of the above forgets the most important part of all; our inner body.


You can look at colon cleansing as an internal "beauty" makeover. Cleaning out your digestive system will rid it of all harmful toxins - this is called a body detox. An accumulation of such toxins can eventually lead to the build up of waste, parasites, and bacteria. Not only will this cause bloating, constipation, and fatigue, but it can also down the road lead to more serious diseases and illnesses, such as cancer.


For those who are also interested in maintaining their outer appearances, colon cleansing can help in that department too.  A body detoxifier, or colon cleanser,  makes it easier to shed unwanted pounds and to achieve a perfect looking body. In addition, body detoxing will also keep your skin looking beautiful, young, and healthy. 


Try a colon cleanser supplement like Co-Clean. Its unique proprietary blend will eliminate impurities from your colon, completing a full body makeover. Co-Clean is rated the best body detoxifier on the market.