Colon cleansing has gained resurgence in popularity in recent years. Primarily there are two methods to colon cleansing that have gained appeal.
1. Colon irrigation with a practitioner
2. Self -Cleansing through use of supplements such as powders, capsules, special blends of herbal teas, enemas and laxatives.
Colon irrigation began about one hundred years ago when the first modern colon irrigation machine was invented. However, colonics have been used for centuries as a way of treating and preventing disease.
How does it work?
In a procedure that lasts for about an hour, a practitioner or therapist has you lie on a table. A machine flushes tens of gallons through a tube inserted into your rectum. Once the colon is filled with water the practitioner massages your abdomen and flushes the wastes through another tube.
What are the possible side effects?
Two of the most serious are bowel perforation and infection. In addition, there are possible vomiting, cramps, and nausea. Dizziness can be a sign of dehydration, potential interference with medications. If the therapist adds any other ingredients to the water, there is the potential for an allergic reaction.
Long term use of irrigation can upset the balance of your colon’s healthy bacteria and hinder normal bowel function.
The better choice:
Use a colon cleansing supplement. Using ingredients like Apple Cider Vinegar to assist in the elimination of toxins in the body, you will also boost energy levels and increase your vitality.
It never hurts ones colon health to increase the amount of fiber in you diet. Most American’s consume only 10-15 grams of fiber in a typical American diet, however, really the average person needs colder to 20-25 grams. Foods like oatmeal, bran, fruit, and vegetables will pump up your fiber content. You will also need to drink lots of water to flush the fiber through your system, however, avoid alcohol, tobacco, and limit red meat.
Try Co-Clean Cleanse & Flush Tablets to kick off the colon cleansing and detoxifying process. These tablets use a potent combination of cleansing roots and extracts. Follow the tablets with the Co-Clean Detox Powder which cleanses, soothes your colon by breaking down the built-up toxins and waste materials that are currently clogging your system.
What are some of the immediate benefits you will feel after cleansing?
- Feeling lighter and less bloated
- Less indigestion and flatulence since the process clears the intestinal tract
- Increased energy since:
- GI tract is performing better
- Less energy is involved to digest your food, leaving more energy for other tasks
Co-Clean tablets will pave the way for you to detoxify your bodyand you should begin to feel the positive effects just a few days into the program.
As discussed, when you do not cleanse and detoxify the colon you will not be able to purge wastes properly, which can in turn cause all the undigested food to build up and stay in the colon for days, weeks, months, even years. One of the side effects of this buildup is unwanted weight gain. After a colon cleansing, removing these waste products will result in weight loss, and a even flatter abs.
For the best body detox, safe and effecvtive try Co-Clean!!