If you could eat some foods that would help increase your libido you would try to eat some or all of them wouldn’t you??? Why not. It couldn’t hurt to have a boost in the bedroom and maybe they are good, delicious and healthy for you anyway! Here are 10 Foods that may jumpstart your Libido:
- Celery - contain androsterone, an odorless hormone released through male perspiration and a female turn on!
- Raw Oysters - contain dopamine, a hormone known to increase libido.
- Bananas - the bromelain enzyme, which is believed to increase libido and reverse impotence. Also has potassium and Virtamin B which increases energy.
- Avocado - The Aztecs called the avocado ahuacatl or "testicle tree." With folic acid for high energy and Vitamin B6 and potassium - both have shown to help increase libido in both men and women.
- Almonds and Nuts – contain fatty acids which healthy are a source of production of hormones in men.
- Eggs – contain Vitamins B5 and B6 which help to balance hormone levels as well as combat stress, both of which are needed for a healthy libido. Eggs are also the symbol fertility and rebirth.
- Liver – provides a source of glutamine fueling the immune system. It has also shown to increase a sluggish libido.
- Figs - high in amino acids, which are believed to increase libido.
- Garlic - contains allicin, which increases blood flow to the sexual organs.
- Chocolate – containsan alkaloid called theobromine which like caffeine is believed to produce a chemical that induces the feeling of Love.
Whatever the reason for diminished libido, improving your diet and eating healthier foods can help to increase one’s libido level. It surely won't do you any harm to become more fit and healthy. This is valid for libido in both men and women.
For both men and women libido basically is dependent on one hormone – testosterone. The production of testosterone is affected by both zinc and vitamin B, so it makes sense to add foods rich in those minerals to our diet. Naturally foods other than the 10 listed above may also be rich in zinc and Vitamin B so do your research and have fun adding these healthy foods into your food plan.
Yohimbe, L argentine and Ginseng which are great male libido boosters are best used in a supplement form. Natural male enhancement pills contain natural herbs and roots that have also been time proven libido boosters. Using a male sex pill will enhance your libido and pleasure. Try the highly rated Irexis supplement.