“I’ll have a diet soda please.” How many times have you uttered those words? Most dieters have as these drinks often have little or no calories. Some of us crave soda and use diet soda to help curb those cravings the logic being you get the same or similar taste of soda without all the calories. What most of us including me didn’t know is that replacing regular soda with diet soda can actually ignite not only your appetite but your sugar cravings as well.
Diet soda is filled with among other things artificial sweeteners as opposed to real sugar. Some studies have indicated that when artificial sweeteners are consumed our body sends the sweet signals to our brain but we never actually get the sugar rush which leaves us vulnerable to getting that rush elsewhere. This is where the sugar cravings come in. Although you may be saving calories with the diet soda, fulfilling your sugar cravings later on will cause you to make up for the calories you saved and then some.
There have been and continue to be lots of studies about the role diet soda plays on ones health as well as the role it plays with ones weight. A majority of the studies show that there is definitely a link between both regular and diet soda and being overweight. What is both surprising and alarming is that in a study done by a Sharon P. Fowler, MPH and her colleagues at the
Not only is diet soda linked with weight, but diet soda also contains lots of unhealthy and unnatural things like chemicals, caffeine, artificial sweeteners, phosphoric acid and sodium. Aspartame which is one of the most frequently used artificial sweeteners in diet soda has been looked at several times by the FDA and although they maintain that the sweetener is safe reported side effects include dizziness, headaches, memory loss, mood changes, and diarrhea. In an animal research study Aspartame was also showed that when consumed in high amounts it can lead to brain tumors and lymphoma in rodents. There have also been studies done on many of the other artificial sweeteners which resulted in some of them even being banned.
Bottom line, the jury is still out on just how safe or unsafe diet sodas ingredients are but what we do know is that diet soda isn’t a safe or effective diet choice and its 100% nutrition free. Diet soda is not only a poor diet choice it is also an unhealthy choice. So next time you find yourself ready to utter the “I’ll have a diet soda please” skip the diet soda and ask for water or a low calorie option that has some nutrients.