I used to be ashamed that I took dick pills and then I looked around me. My friends take pills for everything. Some take pills for their cry baby emotional state that keeps them from being intimate. Still others take pills because they are explosively unhealthy and need to regulate their blood pressure. Those guys are not getting any action either. Basically everyone I know is on some sort of pill that is keeping them out of bedroom fun. My natural male enhancement on the other hand has me burning the sexual candle at both ends, and it is spectacular.
I realized that when I pop these natural male enhancement pills I am like Super-Man of the sack. I am completely unstoppable and every woman leaves exhausted and wobbly. I am filling them full of my krypton dong and they desperately need it. So what if I have some assistance. These other guys are popping pills just to be normal men.
So now when someone asks if I'm on anything I say dick pills without hesitation. Why would I hesitate? These guys along with the help of my throbbing masculinity take care of business every time someone calls us into service. We are a match made in medicinal heaven. Deal with it!
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