Can those love handles around your middle be the root in your impotence? Are you eating the right foods and doing the correct exercises to prevent erectile dysfunction (ED)? According to The Harvard Health Professionals Follow-up Study, men who exercise 3-5 hours a week have 30% less risk of having erectile dysfunction. The study showed that regular exercise can mean 10 more years free of erectile dysfunction for the average man.
Nearing epidemic proportions, obesity afflicts one-third of all US adults. Men who are otherwise healthy but are obese or overweight are more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction. However, researchers have found that losing weight through diet and exercise will help to restore proper erectile function.
The reason overweight increases a man’s risk of ED according to the AUA or The American Urological Association is because obesity and being overweight increases the chance of vascular disease, a primary cause of erectile dysfunction. Other theories of weight and ED are:
One theory is that the disturbance of hormonal balance that happens due to obesity may cause insufficient androgens and testosterone, to enable or sustain an erection. An additional theory is that obesity may damage the cells lining the blood vessels, known as endothelials. These damaged cells then contribute to the development of erectile dysfunction.
Not only is losing weight an overall benefit to your health, however, improving your sexual health can be a positive outcome as well. Even with exercising a guy should be improving his overall diet. Many studies show that a vegetarian regimen, accompanied by moderate exercise, can be the cure so many men are desperately seeking.
Make positive changes like:
- Exercising – even taking 30 minute brisk walks 3+ times a week
- Eating less – cut portions down by one-third to one-half less than your ususal amount
- Eat right – add more fresh foods, lots of vegetables and fruit along with low fat dairy and lean protein like fish, chicken and turkey.
- Use a natural male sexual enhancer supplement like Irexis to helps promote penile blood flow, sperm/testosterone production while providing stimulation and maintenance of bigger and firmer erections
Besides inactivity, other risk factors that men can change include obesity and smoking. Men can greatly reduce their risk of erectile dysfunction and impotence by regular cardiovascular exercise, losing weight, and not smoking.
Despite your best diet and exercise efforts some men may require some assistance in treating ED before their new improved diet and lifestyle kicks in. Treating ED with a natural remedy is the best course of action.
Irexis is an all natural herbal male sexual enhancer and supplement containing a proprietary blend of potent ingredients known to promote both sexual desire and function. These ingredients have been shown to increase libido, improve sexual performance, and increase both stamina and pleasure during sexual activity.