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Total Yoga: The Original

Total Yoga: The Original is the perfect introduction to the many benefits of yoga. Taught by Ganga White and Tracey Rich, internationally renowned yoga teachers and founders of the White Lotus Foundation, this complete and easy-to-follow series of classical yoga postures will help you live a healthier, more balanced life. Experienced students will also find this an excellent alternative practice to their yoga routine.

You will be taught ujjayi breathing and a warm-up sequence followed by a series of comprehensive standing, seated and inverted poses, many demonstrated on two levels of difficulty, based on the foundations of Vinyasa Flow Yoga. This balanced, step by step yoga workout will tone and shape muscles, improve flexibility, build strength and stamina plus you will see a dramatic reduction in stress.

A well-balanced yoga DVD that meets all the requirements of strength, energy, flexibility and stress reduction therapy. Order Toll Free (888) 566-5642.
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  Total Yoga: Water DVD 1 DVD $8.99
  Total Yoga: Fire DVD 1 DVD $8.99

Total Yoga: Earth

Total Yoga: Earth is the first session in the Flow Series and a wonderful introduction for beginners or an excellent alternative practice for all levels.

Taught by Ganga White and Tracey Rich, internationally renowned yoga teachers and founders of the White Lotus Foundation, Earth teaches over 15 basic yoga postures and builds the foundation for a daily yoga practice, including sun salutations and other classical poses, emphasizing proper alignment, balance, flexibility and focus. Earth is a gentle, restorative and recharging workout.

Total Yoga: Water

Total Yoga: Water is the second session in the Flow Series and is a balanced intermediate practice of over twenty poses, suitable for all levels. Taught by Ganga White and Tracey Rich, internationally renowned yoga teachers and founders of the White Lotus Foundation, Water instructs with fluidity, grace and power in Vinyasa flowing sequences of standing, seated and inverted yoga positions.

The Water practice reduces stress while developing strength, muscle tone, flexibility, stamina and refinement.

Total Yoga: Fire

Total Yoga: Fire is the most advanced session in the Flow Series and combines both classical and contemporary postures in a rigorous workout with a higher level of refinement, toning and aerobic activity. Taught by Ganga White and Tracey Rich, internationally renowned yoga teachers and founders of the White Lotus Foundation, Fire uses over thirty poses with three types of sun salutations to warm up, seven major standing poses plus backbends, forward bends, twists and tonic inversion poses. Students will achieve a high level of endurance, strength and flexibility from this dynamic workout.


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