Calling all Romeos how is your love life? Sometimes you may find the love department isn’t living up to your ideals. While there is a lot of information available out there to tell you what you need to be doing to correct the situation, is anyone telling you what you did wrong in the first place?
We often think of what we can do to improve our sex lives, however, there are things we may be doing in our everyday lives that can have the profound opposite effect. What are some of the things men are doing that may be killing their sex drive?
- Poor diet. A poor diet may affect testosterone levels which in turn can hut down your sex drive altogether. Make sure to be eating a well balanced diet.
- Lack of exercise. Lack of physical activity can cause you to no only gain weight; however, it can also inhibit testosterone production which will cause a diminished libido.
- Too much stress. Like other psychological factors that may wreck havoc on your sex life, stress can be a big sex-drive buster. Want a better sex life; find ways to cope with the stress factors in your life.
- Lack of sleep. Getting a good night’s rest can raise your sex drive substantially…you can perform better with a well rested body.
- New baby in the house. Besides the lactating mother and her revved up hormones, a new baby can wreck havoc on not only the mom’s sex drive but the dad’s as well. See #4 lack of sleep as well!
- Infertility issues. The stress from infertility not to mention the underlying causes that have caused it in the first place are sure libido killers. Work with your medical doctor to find a cure or treatment to address the root of this problem.
- Medications. Many prescription medications can have the harmful side effect of affecting your ability to perform or have a sex drive at all. Discuss with your MD alternative options that may have fewer side effects in this department.
- Environmental factors. Lengthy exposure to hot or cold elements, bright lights and even sound can all effect desire and performance.
- Weight. Being over or even under weight can not only affect your psychological self image, however, your physiological ability to perform as well.
- Lack of nutrients. Your body may need a little help from some natural male sexual enhancer supplement like Irexis. Helping to boost libido with time proven ingredients like herbs and roots that have helped men for centuries.