Not Ashamed Of My Dick Pills

Wednesday, June 29, 2011 by Daniel Adler

I used to be ashamed that I took dick pills and then I looked around me. My friends take pills for everything. Some take pills for their cry baby emotional state that keeps them from being intimate. Still others take pills because they are explosively unhealthy and need to regulate their blood pressure. Those guys are not getting any action either. Basically everyone I know is on some sort of pill that is keeping them out of bedroom fun. My natural male enhancement on the other hand has me burning the sexual candle at both ends, and it is spectacular.

I realized that when I pop these natural male enhancement pills I am like Super-Man of the sack. I am completely unstoppable and every woman leaves exhausted and wobbly. I am filling them full of my krypton dong and they desperately need it. So what if I have some assistance. These other guys are popping pills just to be normal men.

So now when someone asks if I'm on anything I say dick pills without hesitation. Why would I hesitate? These guys along with the help of my throbbing masculinity take care of business every time someone calls us into service. We are a match made in medicinal heaven. Deal with it!

Dick Pills Vs. The Rainy Day Blues

Friday, March 25, 2011 by Daniel Adler
"Rainy days and Mondays always bring me down," or so the classic song goes. And it's true commuting to work in the rain can be a grueling process, it feels like God and/or Mother Nature have been collaborating to humiliate you. You ride that subway looking like a wet dog, your jeans which were fashionably tight when you left for work are form fitting, wrapping around your unit like they've been vacuum sealed in denim. It's cold and needless to say you are not in a performing mood. You dangle from the handle above some fellow commuters like a soggy mass, drip drying on top of them.
And yet still one of those folks you are hovering above catches your eye and you catch her's. Maybe she likes the way your rain soaked hair seems to highlight what looks like male pattern baldness but what is actually a really awkward hairline you've had forever (Dad always said it was cause your head was so big). Perhaps she is appreciating the view of those member strangling pants. Can you and your soggy Aaron Spelling put this Tori to work? She presses the button for the next stop and gently caresses your masculinity as she stands up. "Excuse me," she giggles, caressing your posterior. You follow her off the bus and she leads you to her apartment.
She goes to slip into something more comfortable and before you even peel those Spandex-like Levis off you pop a Male Sexual Enhancer to make yourself a little more comfortable. With a firmer erection than you thought you'd ever muster again while the rain was beating you down you go to work. You are a full on sexual all star. The Michael Jordon of Bed-rock and we are not talking about the Flinstones. After you deliver the goods, you let your pants dry for a bit and get to know your latest piece of clam pie. She is into horoscopes and the noise rock band Lightning Bolt, she's from Indiana. For a moment in a strange bed, in a neighborhood you'd here to fore only passed by on your bus the clouds have parted and you and your "Captain" are completely in your element.

Players Have To Play

Tuesday, March 1, 2011 by Daniel Adler
Look you're a regular guy, nothing special about you right? Wrong!
You're the best, you're smart enough, you have fun things to say, you're better looking than more than 60% of the people on the bus. You deserve love, and not just any love. You deserve long sexy, steamy nights of passion, like in those romance novels grandma used to read. You know, the ones with Fabio on the cover. That guy had some oily chest.
True you're no Fabio but with some dick pills you might just manage to get Fabio's penis*. The focus of male enhancement is often on what your new found prowess could mean to the ladies, but think about what it might mean to you. When you're going super long and super hard you'll find yourself more relaxed afterwards and more in control of your whole situation (hole situation, wink). 
So seriously are you going to going around having regular guy sex for the rest of your life? Or are you going to pill pop your way to a firmer erection and a happier life? Look, I'm just asking.
*Disclaimer: You can not actually obtain Fabio's penis through our male sexual enhancer.

Dick Pills Just In Case

Monday, February 28, 2011 by Daniel Adler

She can really feel your firmer erection. When it's really strong you can tell she feels it too. The moans, the way she pushes against the wall into you, she loves it.

And similarly if you've ever needed a firmer erection she can feel that too. Like you start to soften, and realize that you're softening, and she can tell that you're thinking about not-her, and you continue to weaken and you become ashamed and quickly it's over and you withdraw bashfully with shame. You lie next to her hoping for something, hoping that she can help you, give you a hand.

But that's not her job, she thinks. If you can't keep a firmer erection she's not going to do it for you - she wants to be enough for you to stay hard. So in these prickly situations, it's nice to say hey be right back, and head to the bathroom where you keep your dick pills.

Pop one, waltz back into the bedroom and reseduce her. Pretty soon your male sexual enhancer has helped you with an even firmer erection than before and you're inside her and she's moaning, and you've been redeemed and you come together and collapse into each other.

So keep dick pills in your bathroom cabinet.

Sexual Variety With Dick Pills

Monday, January 10, 2011 by Daniel Adler
Variety is the spice of life, especially your sex life. Even if you have a favorite position, you will likely get tired of it if you do it every day. A great way to enhance your sexual experience is to learn from your partner what you can do better. This may be a blow to your confidence at first, but eventually it will become a welcome boon to your bedroom fun.

A good way to recover sexual confidence after having a no holes barred talk about what you can do better in the bedroom is to take dick pills. Bigger erections will surprise her and make it easier to have better sex immediately after you talk about variety. The bigger erections themselves will be variety enough for her, trust me.

A male sexual enhancer will set everything in line for you to be able to master her sex drive, and show her that whenever she has sex with you it is going to be mind-blowing. So if your sex life has hit  a wall, first openly talk about what you can do to make it better, and then try dick pills to show her that you were taking notes.

More Confidence With Bigger Erections

Monday, January 10, 2011 by Daniel Adler
Having sex with beautiful women is all about confidence. You need to show them that you are the man they want to be with. Ultimately, that means you may have to be a little mean to them, so that they can see that they're not better than you just because they're beautiful. This will help you achieve the women you want.

But it can be hard to be confident with a small penis. A male sexual enhancer may be what you need if you know you're going to go out with a beautiful woman and you think that tonight could be the night she wants to see a firmer erection.

Dick pills will make you feel better about yourself because a man's penis largely shapes how he views the world. If he has a small penis, it's likely that he's timid and reticent to express his most natural sexual urges. If he has a large penis, he will feel fine about talking to girls of all sorts and that comfort will empower him to have more sex with more attractive women.

So if you need a firmer erection, or bigger erections, try dick pills to boost your confidence. You won't be disappointed.

Tips for Better Bedroom Experience: Libido Drugs and Sex Toys

Wednesday, January 5, 2011 by Daniel Adler
If your love life has plateaued, it may be time to mix it up in the bedroom. The same old positions and styles won't cut it - you need first to talk to your partner about what she wants, then voice your own opinion about what you want. Desires, fantasies and whims are all good things to voice and try.

A threesome could be an added plus to any relationship, but be sure to give your parnter the choice to decide who gets to enter whom.

Sex toys are a great way to mix things up, as is role playing. You can combine the two for a more romantic evening, with a hint of kink.

Anal gets a bad rap, but it can be very pleasureable for both parties. Remember to go slow to give your partner a chance to feel her capacity.

Libido drugs and dick pills are another good way to boost pleasure. You can have a firmer erection and more stamina with libido drugs. And a male sexual enhancer is a great way to have more confidence and take control.

If you suffer from impotence, and want impotence natural treatment, there are many herbal libido drugs on the market. All you have to do is look around and be willing to try!

Male Enhancement Drugs To stay Away From

Sunday, January 2, 2011 by Mark Etinger
 No pun intended: Sexual male enhancement is big business. And like any big business, the major companies will get mimicked by smaller, less-reliable brands. Unfortunately, this can create unsafe, hazardous products.

A recent CBSNews online story highlighted some of the more dangerous, unapproved natural male enhancement products you can easily find in any drug or convenience store. Here are a look at three of the oddest:

Man Up Now

Well, the name sounds pretty macho, like a combination of professional wrestling and a frat party. But once the FDA took a closer look at this male enhancement pill, and they told all users to “stop using it immediately.” The sildenafil in Man Up Now is far from a natural product, and can have dangerous effects on your blood pressure

Stiff Nights

The FDA ruled that Stiff Nights are filled with sulfoaildenafil, which has the same dangerous effects on your blood pressure that sildenafil does. Not to mention, sulfoaildenafil is an untested chemical. Once Stiff Nights was put out of business, the company created “Rock On,” which was the exact same product with a different coloring for the pill shell.

Mr Magic Male Enhancer From Don Wands

We have no idea who Don Wands is, and don’t care. His Mr. Magic Male Enhancer has two main ingredients: the aforementioned sulfoaildenafil, and hydroxyhomosildenafil, neither of which are listed on either the box, or the list of FDA-approved natural supplements.

Sex Practice and Dick Pills

Sunday, December 19, 2010 by Daniel Adler
When I was twenty and bought a bike, the guy who sold it to me said that the way you pedal is just like sex: full extension. I never forgot that.

The ladies like it better that way also because they can feel you come out and go back in all the way. When you just stay in, and come out a little bit, your length isn't as noticeable. It's different if you don't have much length to begin with; your method may be out of necessity. If you don't have much to extract, that's okay, I didn't either - until I tried a male sexual enhancer.

"How does it work?" my girlfriend asked me. It opens up the veins in your penis for a firmer erection. Easy. She didn't believe it until I showed her. Then she came to understand that bigger erections are possible and that a male sexual enhancer can be more than just an impotence natural treatment; it can make for bigger erections, plain and simple.

Now, just before we have sex, I always use a male sexual enhancer and it leads to better sex, and a more gratifying orgasm, for my girlfriend and myself.


Saturday, December 18, 2010 by Kaitlyn Morgan

Women want men with bigger and thicker penises! Well at least that is all you seem to hear and read about lately on the radio, in magazines and TV commercials lately. Ever since Viagra came around it seems everyone is now selling a natural male enhancement promising bigger penises, bigger erections and more stamina. Although in my opinion bigger isn’t always better it seems to be the goal men are relentlessly searching for. The problem with male sex enhancers is that there are many reasons/issues that will cause a man to search for a pill whether it is just for size or for impotence. Some of these causes can be medical and there can be underlying issues, pre-existing medical conditions and or medications that a male is taking. Although these products contain natural ingredients safety should be a major concern when taking these pills. To ensure that you keep safety in mind and to ensure that you don’t get scammed keep these few tips in mind when choosing your next all natural male enhancement.



  • Ingredients

Only order from sites who list ingredients so that you can do your own research, know what you are getting and or review the ingredients with your doctor to make sure you are able to take the product especially if you are taking any medications and or have any pre-existing conditions.


  • Penis creams and exercises

Skip sites that on top of making you order their pills also make you buy and or start a regimen. There are sites that sell creams and tell you in addition to the pills you purchased you are to rub the cream on 3 times a day along with doing the ridiculous exercises they recommend for you to do 3 times a day and some even sell exercise equipment to use (OUCH!). Some of the recommended exercises, equipment and regimens can not only be painful, time consuming, inconvenient, costly and dangerous they also haven’t proven to be effective in helping to achieve an erection or grow a bigger penis.


  • Outrageous claims

Beware of sites that make ridiculous claims such as “grow 6 inches in 3 days”. Use your head and when I say head I mean the one on top of your shoulders. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is. Last time I checked other than surgery there isn’t a magical pill or cream that will actually add inches or skin to your penis in any length of time.


If you keep these 3 tips in mind when making your next sexual enhancement purchase you can save yourself time, money and possibly an embarrassing emergency room visit. If you’re still having trouble finding a product try Irexis. Irexis doesn’t claim to add inches instead they use natural ingredients that are known to help provide bigger, stronger and firmer erections as well as enhanced sexual drive and stamina. Irexis also lists the ingredients and is also backed by a 90 day money back guarantee.

A Firmer Erection Means Happiness and Love

Thursday, December 2, 2010 by Daniel Adler
Sex is a manifestation of love. It can be hard for many men to enjoy sex with a partner with whom they aren’t fully in love. But in the early stages of a relationship, before you may be in the market for love, sex still is a big indicator of how the relationship is progressing. You don’t want to disappoint your partner before you get out of the starting gate – be strong, with a firmer erection and a male sexual enhancer.

With bigger erections, you can surprise your new partner with your libido. She will be impressed that she has a man with bigger erections than she has ever seen. Undoubtedly you will give her longer lasting orgasms. Then, once you become more comfortable with your partner, and realized that she may be the one, you may find yourself naturally with firmer erections. Once you have strong feelings for a woman, it will become easier to maintain firmer erections. A male sexual enhancer will make your sexual prowess almost intimidating.

Sex will become the pleasure it always should be, instead of an embarrassing problem, or an underperformance. Dick pills are the way to maintain firmer erections, and a happier love life.


Sunday, November 28, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

Calling all Romeos how is your love life? Sometimes you may find the love department isn’t living up to your ideals. While there is a lot of information available out there to tell you what you need to be doing to correct the situation, is anyone telling you what you did wrong in the first place?


We often think of what we can do to improve our sex lives, however, there are things we may be doing in our everyday lives that can have the profound opposite effect.  What are some of the things men are doing that may be killing their sex drive?


  1. Poor diet.  A poor diet may affect testosterone levels which in turn can hut down your sex drive altogether.  Make sure to be eating a well balanced diet.
  2. Lack of exercise.  Lack of physical activity can cause you to no only gain weight; however, it can also inhibit testosterone production which will cause a diminished libido.
  3. Too much stress. Like other psychological factors that may wreck havoc on your sex life, stress can be a big sex-drive buster. Want a better sex life; find ways to cope with the stress factors in your life.
  4. Lack of sleep. Getting a good night’s rest can raise your sex drive substantially…you can perform better with a well rested body.
  5. New baby in the house.  Besides the lactating mother and her revved up hormones, a new baby can wreck havoc on not only the mom’s sex drive but the dad’s as well.  See #4 lack of sleep as well!
  6. Infertility issues.  The stress from infertility not to mention the underlying causes that have caused it in the first place are sure libido killers.  Work with your medical doctor to find a cure or treatment to address the root of this problem.
  7. Medications.  Many prescription medications can have the harmful side effect of affecting your ability to perform or have a sex drive at all.  Discuss with your MD alternative options that may have fewer side effects in this department.
  8. Environmental factors. Lengthy exposure to hot or cold elements, bright lights and even sound can all effect desire and performance.
  9. Weight.  Being over or even under weight can not only affect your psychological self image, however, your physiological ability to perform as well.
  10. Lack of nutrients.  Your body may need a little help from some natural male sexual enhancer supplement like Irexis.  Helping to boost libido with time proven ingredients like herbs and roots that have helped men for centuries.
So if you are looking to enhance your libido, increase sexual stamina, have bigger and firmer erections a natural male sexual enhancer pill like Irexis may be just what the doctor ordered!



Get Zesty Again: Practical Tips

Sunday, November 21, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

When it comes to sex, many men find themselves experiencing a loss in libido. A man who has trouble in the bedroom is often left feeling down on himself. The pressure of performing better can lower confidence even more. A relationship between two people can be ruined if either of them does not sexually perform well.


Here are some practical tips on how to reclaim your sexual virility:


  • Physical body-

Not only will you look good, but a healthy body also stimulates sex hormones.


  • Engaging in Regular Exercise-

Even just a little bit of exercise on a daily basis will improve virility and develop endurance.


  • Get enough rest-

Sleeping for enough hours at night or taking a quick nap after work will improve your mood and eliminate exhaustion.


  • Optimistic person-

Being an optimistic person will bring changes about sooner.


  • Supplement-

A male sex enhancement supplement is safe and effective, and it doesn’t require a prescription.


Try a male sex enhancer like Irexis. Its ingredients were selected to improve male sexual capacity and performance. Irexis increases testosterone levels, to boost male libido, which is helpful to those who suffer from a diminished sex drive. Irexis is also for men who want to achieve a bigger, firmer, and longer-lasting erection. There are no painful pumps or no harmful ingredients when you use Irexis. Simply put, it is the safest, most effective male sexual enhancement pill available.

Irexis is designed with a combination of Yohimbe Extract, Muira Puama, Oyster Extract, Maca and a secret proprietary blend. These time proven ingredients have been shown to increase sexual libidio, improve performance, and increase both stamina and pleasure during sex. The number one rated male sexual enhancer today - Irexis!


Easy Ways to Get Hard

Sunday, November 21, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs


The pressures of pleasuring your partner in bed can reach a level where it can affect performance. A longer penis and a harder and stronger erection are viewed as necessary to sexually perform; this vision can fiddle with a man’s confidence. The stress in displaying a long penis at appropriate occasions will cause low libido, sexual problems, and social esteem issues.


A nutritious diet can relieve problems related to erectile dysfunction. Foods found to increase blood flow, stamina, energy, and sexual ability are:

v     Fresh fruits and vegetables (especially rich in vitamins A and E)

v     Oysters

v     Spicy food

v     Foods rich in protein (gives energy)

v     Foods rich in zinc (increase sperm and erection time)

v     Foods rich in amino acids (improve stamina and sexual ability)

v     Herbs


Many male sex enhancement pills are mainly composed of natural herbs, which stimulate the body to produce hormones that aid the male sexual appetite. Men who have taken Irexis, the best rated male sex pill on the market, say they have experienced better drive and increased stamina in bed, including bigger and firmer erections. The proprietary blend of natural ingredients not only enlarges dimensions of the penis, gives control over ejaculations, and allows longer sex sessions, but it also boosts confidence and pleasure.




Friday, November 19, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

He Doesn’t Want Sex – Why?

Noticing that your man hasn’t been that into you lately.  It may not be a “relationship” problem.  He just may not want sex because other issues are effecting him. There are many possible reasons for his lack of interest in sex.  Some problems he is having may include:


  • Exhaustion
  • Depression
  • Medication
  • Low Testosterone
  • Sickness
  • Mental Stress
  • Work Stress


Just making healthier choices, for example living a healthier lifestyle including a good diet, proper rest, some exercise, will help your body overall as well as provide more energy, better health, and in this case most importantly a better functioning sexual body.


If your man is tired of not having a desire for sex, or if he is besieged with weak erections, or even just producing small doses of semen, he can correct his problems with just a little bit pf help.  Let’s simplify this and look at two possible underlying issues and their solutions.


  1. No desire/no sex drive.


CAUSE: lack of nerve stimulation in the brain: Sex drive is controlled by testosterone stimulating nerves in the brain.


SOLUTION: Restoring testosterone to healthy levels should correct and improve the sex drive. Testosterone produces nitric oxide which effects the function of sexual mechanics.


  1. Sex drive good/no mechanical function.


CAUSE: If sexual desire is present, however, the mechanics are there or not what they should be, your man needs to increase the flow of blood in the penis by increasing nitric oxide.


SOLUTION: Step 1: There are natural impotence treatment alternatives available to counter this problem with the most reasonable over the counter product that being L-Arginine.  Known to be good for general circulation, results are generally seen as quickly as 2 to 3 weeks. Step 2. if natural alternatives do not restore nitric oxide levels, you may need to consult with a medical doctor and take prescription medications.



Most men will see significant improvements with impotence natural treatment supplements.  These male sexual enhancer pills will yield firmer erections and boost libido as well. A highly rated male sex supplement to try is Irexis.

Expensive Erections

Thursday, November 18, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

Treating Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and impotence may come at a high cost literally. Even though we see all the Viagra, Cialis and Levitra commercials on TV daily, using a prescription medication to treat impotence and ED is not as easy as it seems…plus it is expensive.  One pill can cost about $15. Add up sex a couple of times a week. Then add in the pricey doctor visits.  You can be looking at $1,500 - $2,000 annually or more. In this economy there has to be a better way.


Using a natural male sexual enhancer supplement as an alternative option to prescription impotence and ED medications will help your situation at a greatly reduced cost.  Plus you are likely to have fewer side effects. Try Irexis, formulated with natural extracts including Yohimbe Extract, Muira Puama, Oyster Meat Extract, and Maca  blend to help promote penile blood flow, sperm/testosterone production while providing stimulation and maintenance of bigger, firmer erections.

With Irexis, immediately after your first dose, you will notice an increase in libido and sexual desire. Over the course of time, you will notice an increase in penis size and firmness, as well as additional sexual stamina. Irexis is a male sex enhancement supplement with fewer side effects of prescription medications at a greatly reduced cost!  Save money and boost libido all with Irexis, natural male sex supplement.

Bigger Erections Make a Splash in Your Sex Life

Tuesday, November 16, 2010 by Daniel Adler

When you're with a woman for a long time, it can be easy to get into a sexual routine. Maybe you've heard horror stories (or know from experience, gulp) about the vice-like sweatpants tie, the general dissatisfaction, and frequent embarassment that comes from trying to do something different only to have her shut you down pathetically.

If you want to keep things spicy in the bedroom, why not impress her with bigger erections? No offense, but she's probably used to the way you kiss, your style of moving your hands slowly down her flank until you grasp her, the way you start missionary and then move into more (formerly) exotic positions, and worst of all, the size of your penis.

Now if you used some dick pills, you'd really be making a splash. Literally. She would become so surprised and delighted at your bigger erections that you're practically guaranteed to have the best sex of the month, maybe even the year. And having better sex each time you have sex is a beautiful thing.

A male sexual enhancer can make you more confident and add a welcome boost to your sex life. And when you both are excited and eager again, know.


Monday, November 15, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs


Plenty of healthy sexually active men complain everyday about the women in their lives not being as enthused about sex as they are.  What happens when the shoe is on the other foot and he is the one suffering from a low libido?  Many women are finding themselves frustrated with their partners because he will not seek out help.


Some women report the following:

  • “I also wanted to bring up the emotional strain of being the 'sex driven' partner. Even if the problem is medical or hormonal or whatever else, you still get a feeling of self doubt and insecurities like why don't they find me attractive anymore.”
  • "It's a big part of life to be missing. I am facing the fact of our differences, but it's so sad, so very very sad, because I love him so much, and I know he loves me too. I know he does, but I just can't live that way. It hurts too much. It's too sad. It began to just spill out and poison other parts of our really good relationship.”

Source: By Sheri & Bob Stritof


Guys you may want to start with an all natural male sex enhancer supplement designed to help promote penile blood flow, sperm/testosterone production while providing stimulation and maintenance of bigger and firmer erections. Try Irexis the number one rate male sex pill for improved sex for you and your partner without embarrassing trips to the doctor.



Irexis will improve your sexual performance by enhancing sexual libido, drive and stamina as well as supporting firmer, stronger, bigger erections on a regular basis. Irexis users also report a noticeable increase in their sexual confidence. This benefit alone can change your love life forever. Users of Irexis find it helpful for treating: erectile dysfunction, male impotence, premature ejaculation, weakened/infrequent erections, and lack of libido (related to medications, age, diet, stress, etc.)


Irexis is a natural, herbal-based male sex supplement, unlike the average prescription sexual enhancer, which has been linked by some researchers to heart attacks and blindness. In addition, the ingredients in Irexis help increase sexual libido – 100% guaranteed. Don't let a lack of sexual confidence destroy your love life. Order Irexis today.





Friday, November 12, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs

Natural Products for Male Enhancement – Do they exist?


  • What Is Sexual Enhancement?  When men are unable to perform in the bedroom with their significant other they are left feeling a bit down on themselves. One way to toss those sexual anxieties immediately is to seek a sexual enhancement product. What this type of product can do for you is resolve overall sexual inability.


  • Who Should Take Sexual Enhancement Pills? Consider if you've been having a tough time during those intimate moments with the special woman in your life. Maybe erectile difficulties crawled their way into the bedroom. If this applies to you and your sexual situation, then it's likely that you could use some form of sexual enhancement to improve your intimate life.


  • How To Combine Sexual Enhancement Pills With Your Health Routine? Combining sexual enhancement with your current health routine can prove helpful. Simply continue with your exercise program, taking supplements and eating a sexually-bettering diet, as well as adding sexual enhancements into the mix, you can quickly turn yourself into a new man in no time.


  • Is There Sexual Dysfunction Relief? Sexual dysfunctions such as impotence can be suppressed using special formulas that target specific causes of sexual dysfunction, such as erectile dysfunction. Irexis is a product that focuses on erectile dysfunction including premature ejaculation and use of these pills have been shown to increase stamina, size and strength of an erection.


  • What to Take for Impotence Relief and Increased Sexual Pleasure? Impotence will no longer be a concern in the bedroom with the fast acting sexual enhancers offered by Irexis. Irexis will vastly increase the quality of sex by increasing the duration and strength of the erection.


  • What is the Natural formaulation of Irexis? Irexis is a combination of Yohimbe Extract, Muira Puama, Oyster Meat Extract, Maca and a proprietary blend. This proprietary blend helps promote penile blood flow, sperm/testosterone production while providing stimulation and maintenance of erections.


    • Yohimbe Extract - Yohimbe is the name of the bark of a tall evergreen tree in western Africa known as Pausinystalia yohimbe or Corynanthe yohimbe. Yohimbe bark has been used for centuries for sexual enhancement.
    • Muira Puama - is traditionally used as an aphrodisiac and a sexual tonic that promotes virility and treats impotence. Also known as potency wood, muira puama is derived from two species of small, shrubby trees in the olive family.
    • Oyster Meat Extract - has been long regarded as a powerful herbal aphrodisiac. The active ingredients, phosphorus, iodine and zinc, can do a lot of sexual good, especially zinc, which is increases both sperm and testosterone production.
    • Maca - Working in tandem with the body's natural rhythms, Maca root helps rebuild weak immune systems, re-mineralize poorly nourished bodies, and increase energy and endurance.


For more information on increased sexual performance and natural male enhancement be sure to read the Irexis FAQ’s.



Wednesday, November 10, 2010 by Jennifer Hughs


Yohimbe has been used for centuries for its aphrodisiac qualities.  What is the history of this exotic tree and why does it help both men and women with enhancing their libido?




Yohimbe grows from evergreen trees native to Nigeria, the Congo, Gabon  and Cameroon. This tree belongs to the Rubiaceae family and grows to 48 ft high and even as high as 90 feet tall with  leaves that are 4 inches long.


Yohimbe grows wild in West Africa where the Pygmies and Bushmen native to the area discovered its aphrodisiac effects. Even today the Bantu tribes of West Africa still use and praise Yohimbe for its powerful aphrodisiac qualities. The benefits of Yohimbe have not always been limited to the love department. In the past warriors used it as a stimulant before battle.  It has also been used for the treatment of:

·        fever

·        leprosy

·        coughs

·        dilate pupils

·        heart disease / prevent heart attacks

·        local anesthetic and pain treatment

·        hallucinogen

·        antidepressant

·        a stimulant

·        aid to weight loss

·        erectile dysfunction



German missionaries are responsible for bringing Yohimbe (nicknamed “love tree”) extract to Europe where it quickly gained popularity.  The extract was inserted into candies nicknamed the “love candies” which became a popular gift item.



Scientists rediscover that Yohimbe is in fact a powerful and effective aphrodisiac, especially for men. The  studies also conclude that Yohimbe does in fact help heighten the sense of touch and sexual arousal.



Yohimbe is a powerful stimulant and people with the following conditions are advised not to use this extract:

·        kidney disease

·        stomach ulcers

·        post-traumatic stress disorder or panic disorder

·        pregnant or nursing women


Yohimbe has been used for the past 100 years as a treatment for sexual dysfunction helping with both erectile dysfunction and arousal of libido in both men and women. That is why Yohimbe is often included in male sexual enhancer supplements.


If you are a man suffering from low libido or ED, you may want to consider this natural extract as a remedy in lieu of prescription options.  One highly rated male sexual enhancer supplement is Irexis.


Irexis is an all natural herbal male sexual enhancer pill containing a proprietary blend of potent ingredients known to promote both sexual desire and function. These ingredients have been shown to increase libido, improve sexual performance, and increase both stamina and pleasure during sexual activity. Irexis will improve your sexual performance by boosting your sex drive and stamina as well as supporting bigger, firmer, stronger erections.

Irexis is the first Male Sexual Enhancement product with a two-step process, producing both immediate and long-term results. Immediately after your first dose, you will notice an increase in your sexual desire. No need for prescription libido drugs, Irexis is 100% natural with no unpleasant side effects.