Fat Tuesday is the start of Mardi Gras season. Mardi Gras actually means “fat Tuesday” which is the day before Ash Wednesday and marks the start of Lent – a period of fasting and abstinence for Christians. During Lent many give up a favorite treat for the 40 days before Easter.
Fat Tuesday is therefore generally a day to indulge in excess treats so no doubt many of you will also gain a few pounds as you overindulge and satisfy that sweet tooth on the special day of feasting and indulgence.
What are some of the traditional fat Tuesday treats?
- King Cake – A favorite in New Orleans, the King cake is a circular braided cinnamon-roll-like cake traditionally topped with icing and colored sugar – generally either green, gold or purple.
- Paczki (pronounced Pach-kee) a doughy treat resembling an oversized donut filled with cream or jelly and topped with powdered sugar. Each Paczki can be a whopping 600 calories with over 25 grams of fat. Ouch!
- Fastnacht and Kinklings – a sweet, fried dough similar to Packzki.
- Pancakes like donuts are associated with Lent because in the past they were a way to clear out of the pantry unused ingredients like eggs, milk, and sugar, before the fasting season of Lent.
- Hot Cross Buns - typically mark the end of the Lent season? They are sweet yeast rolls with raisins or currants and topped with a crisscross of icing. Traditionally eaten on Good Friday and all throughout the Easter holiday season.
How to get rid of the excess Fat Tuesday pounds?
- A bit of extra exercise never hurt burning off the 300-600 calories treats! Try forty-five minutes to an hour of jogging, aerobics or swimming to burn off the excess calories. Can’t run? Try a low-impact workout, like an hour of brisk walking.
- Try colon cleansing to purge away the toxins and fat. It is thought that at any given time the colon can store the equivalent of up to 6 meals. Therefore, purging the colon of waste is an important part in any weight loss program. Colon cleansing combined with exercise and healthier eating habits will give you energy to stick to a healthier eating/exercising plan. Additionally you will enjoy improved digestion which will only help your overall detox and weight loss goals.
Try Co-Clean colon cleansing, a natural supplement to get you back on track after Fat Tuesday. If you are interested in improving your overall health and losing weight then an efficient and natural colon cleanse is an absolute must-have. Herbs play a pivotal part in implementing a mild and safe colon cleansing treatment. They help in removing fecal matter, prevent toxin formation, and most importantly lead to removal of the harmful bacteria and parasites. Ingredients like apple cider vinegar, grapefruit concentrate, chitosan, cascara sagrada bark are natural and help with the flushing of toxins and waste build up in the colon which in turn will lead to weight loss.
When the digestive system is not working properly, it makes it extremely difficult to lose weight because your body is not breaking down and excreting the foods that you eat. Co-Clean is the ultimate detoxifier for colon cleansing to maintain digestive health which can improve quality of life and promote weight loss. Safe and effective Co-Clean will help you achieve your weight loss goals.
With Co-Clean you will sway your appetite and metabolism back to a normal function, enabling your body to comfortably adjust to your ideal weight for your natural size. You will detox and cleanse your entire body—watch the pounds of waste built up over the years release in just days. Feel lighter, more energized and less bloated too.