What's your weight loss style?

Wednesday, June 15, 2011 by Yakira A
People tend to get really psyched up before they embark on a new weight loss program. As they begin, and even the first few days or weeks in, they see themselves as all-capable: ready to break all their old habits and institute new, healthy, slimming ones. The reality is that habits are not so easy to break; they tend to remind us of this about half-a-month later when we cave and pounce on the whole box of Entenmann's cookies. 

We shouldn't beat ourselves up over the binge though. Really, we set ourselves up for it. By getting carried away with the promise of fitting into a smaller size, we neglected to take into account what's kept us from that smaller size in the first place. We neglected to look at our own eating patterns with an objective eye. 

So before you begin your next diet, ask yourself: what do I struggle with? Is it portion size, or is it the type of food I eat? Do I typically overeat after consuming sugar, or does a big chunk of meat set me off? Do I have a large appetite, but also a high energy level? Instead of trying to fight your tendencies, try to find a weight loss program that embraces them. Low-carb diets like Atkin's and South Beach restrict the type of food you can eat, but don't limit the portions. Weight Watcher's, on the other hand, allows for everything in moderation - portion control is key. A vigorous exercise plan can temper the effect of too many calories consumed.

So which diet or exercise program will it be? Where will you succeed most?

Whatever your choice is, it will certainly benefit from adding a diet pill into the mix. A diet pill can help curb your cravings and jumpstart your metabolism. Make the most of your next weight loss undertaking!

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