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Acai Berry:
Pronounced (ah-sigh-EE) the acai berry grows in the rainforests of Brazil. Acai palms may reach heights of 60 feet or more. These same palms are used to harvest edible hearts of palm. The fruit itself is about the size of a large blueberry. Only the outermost layers of the fruit are edible. The acai berry is a grape like fruit with a large internal seed, whose flavor is described as a mixture of red wine and chocolate. These berries are rich in antioxidants, fiber and heart-healthy fats.
The acai berry is loaded with natural antioxidants and vitamins including vitamin C, vitamin E and special phytonutrients called anthocyanins. In fact the antioxidant concentration is significantly higher than the amount found in blueberries, oranges and red wine, plus up to five times more than Gingko Biloba.
The acai berry is used in skincare to slow the aging process and restore skin to a brighter more youthful appearance.
Red wine, rich in heart healthy antioxidants, comes in two main forms: flavonoids and nonflavonoids. Non-flavonoids appear to help prevent arteries from becoming clogged with fatty blockages. Resveratrol is the nonflavonoid that's received the most attention from researchers, not only for its ability to prevent damage to blood vessels, however, also because it may reduce "bad" cholesterol and prevent blood clots. Besides grapes, other foods that contain some resveratrol include peanuts, blueberries and cranberries. Cellular damage is caused by free radicals, disease, genetics, and so on, is what causes the aging process. In skin care products there is overwhelming evidence that resveratrol can extend the lives of cells and repair cell damage, this cellular regeneration will reverse the signs of aging in your skin.
L-arginine is a non-essential amino acid - meaning it is produced by the body. Also found in animal and vegetable protein sources including yogurt, fish, cheese, brewer's yeast, wheat germ, pork, eggs, meats, and milk. L-arginine is used by the body in stressful situations, including growth periods or trauma to the body, for example, healing wounds. Promoted as a growth stimulant it is also essential in its role within cell division, the healing of wounds throughout the body, promotion of the production of essential nitric oxide within the body - removing ammonia from the body, immune function, and the release of hormones including the human growth hormone, and the production of collagen. L-arginine may help your circulatory problems - and the resultant dry skin.
The production of collagen is extremely important for the skin, as it benefits the body's structural system by supporting strong bones, muscle tissue, and tendons. Studies have indicated that L-arginine may have the ability to obstruct the growth of malignant tumors.
Coenzyme Q10 - Co Q10:
Co Q10 is a compound similar to a vitamin that is made naturally and found in every cell of the body. However, as we age our bodies produce insufficient amounts. People over the age of 30 would benefit from a product with Co Q10 in it. CoQ10 is found naturally in a wide variety of foods, particularly in organ meats such as heart, liver, and kidney, as well as beef, soy oil, sardines, mackerel, and peanuts.
Co Q10 has the benefit of increasing energy and stamina. This coenzyme also helps the immune system work more efficiently and helps the body to be able to better resist certain infections and types of cancer. CoQ10 is an antioxidant, it helps to boost skin repair and regeneration and reduce free radical damage which is one of the causes of skin aging. A 1999 study by German researchers reported that long-term use of CoQ10 reduced crow’s feet around the eyes.
This product is designed with ingredients known or researched to assist the body to:
- Reverse the aging clock
- Promote your longevity
- Give your immune system a boost
- Have your skin appear more youthful
- Availability: In Stock:
Ships in 1-2 business days - Quantity: 60 Capsules/bottle
- Serving Size: 1 bottle = 1 month supply